هدف 5

Ensure Sustainable, Safe and Legal Harvesting and Trade of Wild Species

Ensure that the use, harvesting and trade of wild species is sustainable, safe and legal, preventing overexploitation, minimizing impacts on non-target species and ecosystems, and reducing the risk of pathogen spillover, applying the ecosystem approach, while respecting and protecting customary sustainable use by indigenous peoples and local communities.


Ensure that the use, harvesting and trade of wild species is sustainable, safe and legal, preventing overexploitation, minimizing impacts on non-target species and ecosystems, and reducing the risk of pathogen spillover, applying the ecosystem approach, while respecting and protecting customary sustainable use by indigenous peoples and local communities.




Overexploitation has depleted the populations of many species and caused local extinctions. Illegal wildlife trade is a multibillion-dollar industry and a threat not only to biodiversity conservation, but also to public health. Ensuring that legal use is sustainable and combatting Illegal wildlife trade are crucial to the persistence of species and the resources on which millions of people depend for food, medicine, building, fuel, and other purposes. The negative public health and economic impacts of zoonotic spillover within the wildlife trade further support enforcement of existing laws and creation of new ones as needed.


The GSAP actions cover sustainable and legal use and trade, bycatch, and health.

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