هدف 2

Restore 30% of all Degraded Ecosystems

Ensure that by 2030 at least 30 per cent of areas of degraded terrestrial, inland water, and coastal and marine ecosystems are under effective restoration, in order to enhance biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services, ecological integrity and connectivity.


Ensure that by 2030 at least 30 per cent of areas of degraded terrestrial, inland water, and coastal and marine ecosystems are under effective restoration, in order to enhance biodiversity and ecosystem functions and services, ecological integrity and connectivity.




Restoring degraded natural ecosystems increases the area of habitat for their constituent species, enhances connectivity and restores full ecosystem function.


Ecological restoration, when implemented effectively and sustainably, contributes to protecting biodiversity, improving human health and wellbeing, increasing food and water security, delivering ecosystem services and economic prosperity, and supporting climate change mitigation, resilience, and adaptation. Combined with conservation and sustainable use of species, ecological restoration can transfer local, regional, and global environmental conditions from a state of degradation to net positive improvement.

Other tools and resources

Solutions and case studies