Gland, Switzerland, 8 January 2025 (IUCN) – The largest global assessment of freshwater animals on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ to date has revealed that 24% of the world’s freshwater fish, dragonfly, damselfly, crab, crayfish and shrimp species are at high risk of extinction, according to an analysis published in Nature today. The IUCN co-authored study recommends targeted action to prevent further extinctions and calls for governments and industry to use this data in water management and policy measures.
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The Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (EICAT)
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How to use
- For further information on the Convention visit:
- For an overview of the Ramsar Sites network or to obtain information on a specific Site, visit
- The Administrative Authority of a Contracting Party can submit or update Ramsar Site information using the new online RIS by logging in or registering – instructions at:
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How to use
To access the ICCA Registry:
To explore sites, visit the WDPA OECM search page and filter by governance type:
International Whaling Commission (IWC) Programmes on Chemical Pollution
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The IWC Scientific Committee has initiated four programmes, Pollution 2000, Pollution 2000+, Pollution 2020 and Pollution 2025. The first two initiatives examined tissue concentrations of priority pollutants in key cetacean species and determined toxicological markers and health assessment endpoints to determine adverse health effects, culminating in the development of tools and techniques to estimate population level effects.
The IWC Scientific Committee has also initiated work on the sources of Polychlorinated Biphenyls (PCBs) which pose a significant ongoing threat to some cetacean populations long after their production was banned. Pollution 2020, assessed the risk to cetaceans from microplastics and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). Pollution 2025 is focused on cumulative effects and multiple stressors. Pollution 2025 is also setting out a multi-disciplinary, ‘One Health’ approach, recognising that the health of people, animals and the environment are closely connected.
International Whaling Commission (IWC) programmes on ocean noise
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Guidelines for wildlife disease risk analysis
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Planning Principles and Steps
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SMART monitoring
The SMART platform consists of a set of software and analysis tools designed to help conservationists manage and protect wildlife and wild places. SMART can help standardize and streamline data collection, analysis, and reporting, making it easier for key information to get from the field to decision-makers.
SMART supports a broad range of conservation management activities, including biodiversity conservation, law enforcement, tourism and visitor management, natural resources use, intelligence, and performance and threat level assessments.
Our approach covers three areas: cutting-edge technology, building conservation capacity, and empowering a global network of SMART conservation practitioners. The SMART Approach is supported by a unique, long-term alliance of leading conservation organizations, offering powerful applications in conservation practice to ensure the survival of the Earth’s biodiversity for generations to come.
The Environmental Impact Classification for Alien Taxa (EICAT)
EICAT is the IUCN global standard for measuring the severity of environmental impacts caused by alien species. EICAT is a key tool for prioritising alien species that could lead to the most harmful environmental impacts, helping to make the best use of resources to prevent or limit their negative consequences. EICAT classifies alien species into one of eight categories (see figure) according to the severity of their impact on native species and whether the impact is reversible The EICAT Categories and Criteria provide a simple, objective, and transparent classification method. The EICAT Guidelines provide detailed assistance in the application of the categories and criteria.
EICAT can be applied at national, regional, and global levels. All global EICAT assessments are published on IUCN’s Global Invasive Species Database. The EICAT Authority is the governing body coordinating the EICAT assessment process and it is responsible for carrying out the majority of assessments and implementing the review process. The EICAT Authority is composed of experts on specific taxonomic groups or geographic regions.
International Whaling Commission (IWC) Bycatch Mitigation initiative
As the leading global body addressing cetacean science, conservation and management, the IWC has the capacity to play a significant role in global efforts to address bycatch and in 2016, endorsed a new Bycatch Mitigation Initiative (BMI). In collaboration with other organisations, national governments and fishing communities, this aims to develop, assess and promote effective bycatch prevention and mitigation measures world-wide.
The initiative is currently focused on addressing gillnet bycatch in small-scale fisheries, although some work continues on bycatch in other gears and fisheries.
The concepts of collaboration and co-ordination underpin the BMI. Bycatch is an issue that needs to be tackled on several different scales, from fishing communities to national governments and intergovernmental fishery bodies.
The BMI works closely with the Global Whale Entanglement Response Network (GWERN), a pioneering initiative which actively addresses welfare, conservation and human safety impacts of large whale entanglement in fishing gear and marine debris.
Marine Stewardship Council (MSC): certified sustainable seafood
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Tracking Economic Instruments and Finance for Biodiversity
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currently available data. The brochure also includes information on payments for ecosystem services (PES) and on biodiversity offsets, two other types of economic instruments that provide incentives for biodiversity conservation and its sustainable use.
IUCN SSC guidelines on human-wildlife conflict and coexistence : first edition
As human-wildlife conflicts become more frequent, serious and widespread worldwide, they are notoriously challenging to resolve, and many efforts to address these conflicts struggle to make progress. These Guidelines provide an essential guide to understanding and resolving human-wildlife conflict. The Guidelines aim to provide foundations and principles for good practice, with clear, practical guidance on how best to tackle conflicts and enable coexistence with wildlife. They have been developed for use by conservation practitioners, community leaders, decision-makers, researchers, government officers and others. Focusing on approaches and tools for analysis and decision-making, they are not limited to any particular species or region of the world.