Africa Ocean Forum Concludes with Promising Outcomes for Ocean Conservation and Governance

First community-based fish conservation zone designated in the Sittaung River, Myanmar

Local Species Champion Group work to save Grey-Shanked Douc Langurs in Viet Nam

Better production practices key to minimising impact of vegetable oils – IUCN report



Africa Ocean Forum Concludes with Promising Outcomes for Ocean Conservation and Governance

Africa Ocean Forum Concludes with Promising Outcomes for Ocean Conservation and Governance

First community-based fish conservation zone designated in the Sittaung River, Myanmar

First community-based fish conservation zone designated in the Sittaung River, Myanmar

Local Species Champion Group work to save Grey-Shanked Douc Langurs in Viet Nam

Local Species Champion Group work to save Grey-Shanked Douc Langurs in Viet Nam


Previous events

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How the Global Species Action Plan and its Online Knowledge Platform support the implementation of NBSAPs and the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework to achieve species conservation outcomes?

CBD Nairobi meetings 2024

CBD Nairobi meetings 2024
