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Target 1
Target 1
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Target 2
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Target 3
Target 3
Target 3
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Target 4
Target 4
Target 4
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Target 5
Target 5
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Target 21
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Target 22
Target 22
Target 22
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Target 23
Target 23
Target 23
Target 23
1.1. Integrate species data into spatial planning at landscape, freshwater-scape, and seascape scales.
1.1. Integrate species data into spatial planning at landscape, freshwater-scape, and seascape scales.
1.1. Integrate species data into spatial planning at landscape, freshwater-scape, and seascape scales.
1.1. Integrate species data into spatial planning at landscape, freshwater-scape, and seascape scales.
1.1. Integrate species data into spatial planning at landscape, freshwater-scape, and seascape scales.
1.1.1. Map and include in spatial plans representative retention targets for all ecosystem types.
1.1.1. Map and include in spatial plans representative retention targets for all ecosystem types.
1.1.1. Map and include in spatial plans representative retention targets for all ecosystem types.
1.1.1. Map and include in spatial plans representative retention targets for all ecosystem types.
1.1.1. Map and include in spatial plans representative retention targets for all ecosystem types.
1.1.2. Identify, map, and set retention targets for species of conservation importance (threatened, restricted range, and socio- economically important species).
1.1.2. Identify, map, and set retention targets for species of conservation importance (threatened, restricted range, and socio- economically important species).
1.1.2. Identify, map, and set retention targets for species of conservation importance (threatened, restricted range, and socio- economically important species).
1.1.2. Identify, map, and set retention targets for species of conservation importance (threatened, restricted range, and socio- economically important species).
1.1.2. Identify, map, and set retention targets for species of conservation importance (threatened, restricted range, and socio- economically important species).
1.1.3. Evaluate how well ecosystem and species targets are already covered by protected and conserved areas, and prioritise areas for meeting targets in the most efficient configuration, favouring sites that remain in good ecological condition, and sites important for ecological connectivity (e.g. corridors, stepping stones).
1.1.3. Evaluate how well ecosystem and species targets are already covered by protected and conserved areas, and prioritise areas for meeting targets in the most efficient configuration, favouring sites that remain in good ecological condition, and sites important for ecological connectivity (e.g. corridors, stepping stones).
1.1.3. Evaluate how well ecosystem and species targets are already covered by protected and conserved areas, and prioritise areas for meeting targets in the most efficient configuration, favouring sites that remain in good ecological condition, and sites important for ecological connectivity (e.g. corridors, stepping stones).
1.1.3. Evaluate how well ecosystem and species targets are already covered by protected and conserved areas, and prioritise areas for meeting targets in the most efficient configuration, favouring sites that remain in good ecological condition, and sites important for ecological connectivity (e.g. corridors, stepping stones).
1.1.3. Evaluate how well ecosystem and species targets are already covered by protected and conserved areas, and prioritise areas for meeting targets in the most efficient configuration, favouring sites that remain in good ecological condition, and sites important for ecological connectivity (e.g. corridors, stepping stones).
1.1.4. Incorporate all species and ecosystem priorities in spatial planning between all government and business sectors.
1.1.4. Incorporate all species and ecosystem priorities in spatial planning between all government and business sectors.
1.1.4. Incorporate all species and ecosystem priorities in spatial planning between all government and business sectors.
1.1.4. Incorporate all species and ecosystem priorities in spatial planning between all government and business sectors.
1.1.4. Incorporate all species and ecosystem priorities in spatial planning between all government and business sectors.
1.1.5. Include species considerations in land, freshwater, and sea use guidelines for use in national development zoning schemes.
1.1.5. Include species considerations in land, freshwater, and sea use guidelines for use in national development zoning schemes.
1.1.5. Include species considerations in land, freshwater, and sea use guidelines for use in national development zoning schemes.
1.1.5. Include species considerations in land, freshwater, and sea use guidelines for use in national development zoning schemes.
1.1.5. Include species considerations in land, freshwater, and sea use guidelines for use in national development zoning schemes.
1.1.6. Include key species considerations in Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs) for infrastructure development projects.
1.1.6. Include key species considerations in Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs) for infrastructure development projects.
1.1.6. Include key species considerations in Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs) for infrastructure development projects.
1.1.6. Include key species considerations in Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs) for infrastructure development projects.
1.1.6. Include key species considerations in Environmental and Social Impact Assessments (ESIAs) for infrastructure development projects.
1.1.7. Apply the mitigation hierarchy to all infrastructure developments, with a focus on avoidance, to reduce their impact on habitats and species of conservation importance.
1.1.7. Apply the mitigation hierarchy to all infrastructure developments, with a focus on avoidance, to reduce their impact on habitats and species of conservation importance.
1.1.7. Apply the mitigation hierarchy to all infrastructure developments, with a focus on avoidance, to reduce their impact on habitats and species of conservation importance.
1.1.7. Apply the mitigation hierarchy to all infrastructure developments, with a focus on avoidance, to reduce their impact on habitats and species of conservation importance.
1.1.7. Apply the mitigation hierarchy to all infrastructure developments, with a focus on avoidance, to reduce their impact on habitats and species of conservation importance.
1.2. Ensure connectivity and movement between species’ populations.
1.2. Ensure connectivity and movement between species’ populations.
1.2. Ensure connectivity and movement between species’ populations.
1.2. Ensure connectivity and movement between species’ populations.
1.2. Ensure connectivity and movement between species’ populations.
1.2.1. Identify, map, manage and/or protect corridors, sites and systems that are important for wild species’ movements and migrations.
1.2.1. Identify, map, manage and/or protect corridors, sites and systems that are important for wild species’ movements and migrations.
1.2.1. Identify, map, manage and/or protect corridors, sites and systems that are important for wild species’ movements and migrations.
1.2.1. Identify, map, manage and/or protect corridors, sites and systems that are important for wild species’ movements and migrations.
1.2.1. Identify, map, manage and/or protect corridors, sites and systems that are important for wild species’ movements and migrations.
1.2.2. Participate in CMS instruments for migratory species and integrate their recommendations into land- freshwater- and seascape spatial planning.
1.2.2. Participate in CMS instruments for migratory species and integrate their recommendations into land- freshwater- and seascape spatial planning.
1.2.2. Participate in CMS instruments for migratory species and integrate their recommendations into land- freshwater- and seascape spatial planning.
1.2.2. Participate in CMS instruments for migratory species and integrate their recommendations into land- freshwater- and seascape spatial planning.
1.2.2. Participate in CMS instruments for migratory species and integrate their recommendations into land- freshwater- and seascape spatial planning.
1.2.3. Enhance transboundary cooperation on conservation of species’ populations that cross international borders.
1.2.3. Enhance transboundary cooperation on conservation of species’ populations that cross international borders.
1.2.3. Enhance transboundary cooperation on conservation of species’ populations that cross international borders.
1.2.3. Enhance transboundary cooperation on conservation of species’ populations that cross international borders.
1.2.3. Enhance transboundary cooperation on conservation of species’ populations that cross international borders.
2.1. Include all constituent species in ecosystem restoration and rewilding initiatives.
2.1. Include all constituent species in ecosystem restoration and rewilding initiatives.
2.1. Include all constituent species in ecosystem restoration and rewilding initiatives.
2.1. Include all constituent species in ecosystem restoration and rewilding initiatives.
2.1. Include all constituent species in ecosystem restoration and rewilding initiatives.
2.1.1. Implement restoration interventions of ecosystems and habitats at a land- freshwater- and /seascape level with the greatest potential to benefit a wide range of species.
2.1.1. Implement restoration interventions of ecosystems and habitats at a land- freshwater- and /seascape level with the greatest potential to benefit a wide range of species.
2.1.1. Implement restoration interventions of ecosystems and habitats at a land- freshwater- and /seascape level with the greatest potential to benefit a wide range of species.
2.1.1. Implement restoration interventions of ecosystems and habitats at a land- freshwater- and /seascape level with the greatest potential to benefit a wide range of species.
2.1.1. Implement restoration interventions of ecosystems and habitats at a land- freshwater- and /seascape level with the greatest potential to benefit a wide range of species.
2.1.2. Coordinate restoration programmes across national boundaries where appropriate.
2.1.2. Coordinate restoration programmes across national boundaries where appropriate.
2.1.2. Coordinate restoration programmes across national boundaries where appropriate.
2.1.2. Coordinate restoration programmes across national boundaries where appropriate.
2.1.2. Coordinate restoration programmes across national boundaries where appropriate.
2.1.3. Ensure restoration initiatives are biodiversity positive, through use of indigenous species in replanting and regeneration programmes and avoid exotic species.
2.1.3. Ensure restoration initiatives are biodiversity positive, through use of indigenous species in replanting and regeneration programmes and avoid exotic species.
2.1.3. Ensure restoration initiatives are biodiversity positive, through use of indigenous species in replanting and regeneration programmes and avoid exotic species.
2.1.3. Ensure restoration initiatives are biodiversity positive, through use of indigenous species in replanting and regeneration programmes and avoid exotic species.
2.1.3. Ensure restoration initiatives are biodiversity positive, through use of indigenous species in replanting and regeneration programmes and avoid exotic species.
2.1.4. Focus restoration efforts in areas of importance for ecological connectivity, thus maximizing their impact for species conservation.
2.1.4. Focus restoration efforts in areas of importance for ecological connectivity, thus maximizing their impact for species conservation.
2.1.4. Focus restoration efforts in areas of importance for ecological connectivity, thus maximizing their impact for species conservation.
2.1.4. Focus restoration efforts in areas of importance for ecological connectivity, thus maximizing their impact for species conservation.
2.1.4. Focus restoration efforts in areas of importance for ecological connectivity, thus maximizing their impact for species conservation.
3.1. Identify all sites important for species conservation.
3.1. Identify all sites important for species conservation.
3.1. Identify all sites important for species conservation.
3.1. Identify all sites important for species conservation.
3.1. Identify all sites important for species conservation.
3.1.1. Identify Key Biodiversity Areas comprehensively in each country and in coastal and marine areas, including those beyond national jurisdiction.
3.1.1. Identify Key Biodiversity Areas comprehensively in each country and in coastal and marine areas, including those beyond national jurisdiction.
3.1.1. Identify Key Biodiversity Areas comprehensively in each country and in coastal and marine areas, including those beyond national jurisdiction.
3.1.1. Identify Key Biodiversity Areas comprehensively in each country and in coastal and marine areas, including those beyond national jurisdiction.
3.1.1. Identify Key Biodiversity Areas comprehensively in each country and in coastal and marine areas, including those beyond national jurisdiction.
3.1.2. Ensure that all KBAs and other sites of importance for species conservation are covered by protected or conserved areas.
3.1.2. Ensure that all KBAs and other sites of importance for species conservation are covered by protected or conserved areas.
3.1.2. Ensure that all KBAs and other sites of importance for species conservation are covered by protected or conserved areas.
3.1.2. Ensure that all KBAs and other sites of importance for species conservation are covered by protected or conserved areas.
3.1.2. Ensure that all KBAs and other sites of importance for species conservation are covered by protected or conserved areas.
3.1.3. Maintain and update a comprehensive global register of all sites determined as being of importance for species such as Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA), Important Plant Areas (IPAs), the Alliance for Zero Extinction sites (AZE), Important Marine Mammals Areas (IMMAs), Important Shark and Ray Areas (ISRA), Territories of Life (ICCAs) etc.
3.1.3. Maintain and update a comprehensive global register of all sites determined as being of importance for species such as Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA), Important Plant Areas (IPAs), the Alliance for Zero Extinction sites (AZE), Important Marine Mammals Areas (IMMAs), Important Shark and Ray Areas (ISRA), Territories of Life (ICCAs) etc.
3.1.3. Maintain and update a comprehensive global register of all sites determined as being of importance for species such as Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA), Important Plant Areas (IPAs), the Alliance for Zero Extinction sites (AZE), Important Marine Mammals Areas (IMMAs), Important Shark and Ray Areas (ISRA), Territories of Life (ICCAs) etc.
3.1.3. Maintain and update a comprehensive global register of all sites determined as being of importance for species such as Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA), Important Plant Areas (IPAs), the Alliance for Zero Extinction sites (AZE), Important Marine Mammals Areas (IMMAs), Important Shark and Ray Areas (ISRA), Territories of Life (ICCAs) etc.
3.1.3. Maintain and update a comprehensive global register of all sites determined as being of importance for species such as Key Biodiversity Areas (KBA), Important Plant Areas (IPAs), the Alliance for Zero Extinction sites (AZE), Important Marine Mammals Areas (IMMAs), Important Shark and Ray Areas (ISRA), Territories of Life (ICCAs) etc.
3.2. Ensure that protected and conserved area networks are representative of all natural ecosystems and well connected.
3.2. Ensure that protected and conserved area networks are representative of all natural ecosystems and well connected.
3.2. Ensure that protected and conserved area networks are representative of all natural ecosystems and well connected.
3.2. Ensure that protected and conserved area networks are representative of all natural ecosystems and well connected.
3.2. Ensure that protected and conserved area networks are representative of all natural ecosystems and well connected.
3.2.1. Analyse gaps in existing protected and conserved area networks for species.
3.2.1. Analyse gaps in existing protected and conserved area networks for species.
3.2.1. Analyse gaps in existing protected and conserved area networks for species.
3.2.1. Analyse gaps in existing protected and conserved area networks for species.
3.2.1. Analyse gaps in existing protected and conserved area networks for species.
3.2.2. Identify, report, and maintain Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs) to benefit species.
3.2.2. Identify, report, and maintain Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs) to benefit species.
3.2.2. Identify, report, and maintain Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs) to benefit species.
3.2.2. Identify, report, and maintain Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs) to benefit species.
3.2.2. Identify, report, and maintain Other Effective Area-based Conservation Measures (OECMs) to benefit species.
3.2.3. Focus expansion of protected and conserved areas on sites of high importance for species, including ecological corridors.
3.2.3. Focus expansion of protected and conserved areas on sites of high importance for species, including ecological corridors.
3.2.3. Focus expansion of protected and conserved areas on sites of high importance for species, including ecological corridors.
3.2.3. Focus expansion of protected and conserved areas on sites of high importance for species, including ecological corridors.
3.2.3. Focus expansion of protected and conserved areas on sites of high importance for species, including ecological corridors.
3.2.4. Support transboundary conservation areas where species’ populations cross national borders.
3.2.4. Support transboundary conservation areas where species’ populations cross national borders.
3.2.4. Support transboundary conservation areas where species’ populations cross national borders.
3.2.4. Support transboundary conservation areas where species’ populations cross national borders.
3.2.4. Support transboundary conservation areas where species’ populations cross national borders.
3.3. Maximise the value of internationally recognised sites (Biosphere Reserves, Ramsar Sites, World Heritage Sites) for species conservation.
3.3. Maximise the value of internationally recognised sites (Biosphere Reserves, Ramsar Sites, World Heritage Sites) for species conservation.
3.3. Maximise the value of internationally recognised sites (Biosphere Reserves, Ramsar Sites, World Heritage Sites) for species conservation.
3.3. Maximise the value of internationally recognised sites (Biosphere Reserves, Ramsar Sites, World Heritage Sites) for species conservation.
3.3. Maximise the value of internationally recognised sites (Biosphere Reserves, Ramsar Sites, World Heritage Sites) for species conservation.
3.3.1. Inscribe all sites meeting the species criteria as Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar) and integrate Ramsar sites in wetland landscape conservation.
3.3.1. Inscribe all sites meeting the species criteria as Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar) and integrate Ramsar sites in wetland landscape conservation.
3.3.1. Inscribe all sites meeting the species criteria as Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar) and integrate Ramsar sites in wetland landscape conservation.
3.3.1. Inscribe all sites meeting the species criteria as Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar) and integrate Ramsar sites in wetland landscape conservation.
3.3.1. Inscribe all sites meeting the species criteria as Wetlands of International Importance (Ramsar) and integrate Ramsar sites in wetland landscape conservation.
3.3.2. Inscribe all PCAs that meet criterion X for species outstanding universal value on the World Heritage List and review species data in mixed and cultural sites.
3.3.2. Inscribe all PCAs that meet criterion X for species outstanding universal value on the World Heritage List and review species data in mixed and cultural sites.
3.3.2. Inscribe all PCAs that meet criterion X for species outstanding universal value on the World Heritage List and review species data in mixed and cultural sites.
3.3.2. Inscribe all PCAs that meet criterion X for species outstanding universal value on the World Heritage List and review species data in mixed and cultural sites.
3.3.2. Inscribe all PCAs that meet criterion X for species outstanding universal value on the World Heritage List and review species data in mixed and cultural sites.
3.3.3. Inscribe sites harbouring threatened species and cultural diversity in the UNESCO Man and Biosphere (MAB) programme.
3.3.3. Inscribe sites harbouring threatened species and cultural diversity in the UNESCO Man and Biosphere (MAB) programme.
3.3.3. Inscribe sites harbouring threatened species and cultural diversity in the UNESCO Man and Biosphere (MAB) programme.
3.3.3. Inscribe sites harbouring threatened species and cultural diversity in the UNESCO Man and Biosphere (MAB) programme.
3.3.3. Inscribe sites harbouring threatened species and cultural diversity in the UNESCO Man and Biosphere (MAB) programme.
3.3.4. Develop synergies in managing species and reporting in sites with overlapping international designations.
3.3.4. Develop synergies in managing species and reporting in sites with overlapping international designations.
3.3.4. Develop synergies in managing species and reporting in sites with overlapping international designations.
3.3.4. Develop synergies in managing species and reporting in sites with overlapping international designations.
3.3.4. Develop synergies in managing species and reporting in sites with overlapping international designations.
3.4. Manage effectively and equitably all protected and conserved areas and other sites important for species.
3.4. Manage effectively and equitably all protected and conserved areas and other sites important for species.
3.4. Manage effectively and equitably all protected and conserved areas and other sites important for species.
3.4. Manage effectively and equitably all protected and conserved areas and other sites important for species.
3.4. Manage effectively and equitably all protected and conserved areas and other sites important for species.
3.4.1. Include key species requirements in site management plans.
3.4.1. Include key species requirements in site management plans.
3.4.1. Include key species requirements in site management plans.
3.4.1. Include key species requirements in site management plans.
3.4.1. Include key species requirements in site management plans.
3.4.2. Train and equip management staff (including government, private, community, and Indigenous rangers) to professional standards that benefits species conservation.
3.4.2. Train and equip management staff (including government, private, community, and Indigenous rangers) to professional standards that benefits species conservation.
3.4.2. Train and equip management staff (including government, private, community, and Indigenous rangers) to professional standards that benefits species conservation.
3.4.2. Train and equip management staff (including government, private, community, and Indigenous rangers) to professional standards that benefits species conservation.
3.4.2. Train and equip management staff (including government, private, community, and Indigenous rangers) to professional standards that benefits species conservation.
3.4.3. Empower Indigenous peoples and Local communities and all rightsholders and stakeholders to participate in governance and to input their knowledge of sites and species, and to lead on their rights, values needs and the most effective ways to realise and support them.
3.4.3. Empower Indigenous peoples and Local communities and all rightsholders and stakeholders to participate in governance and to input their knowledge of sites and species, and to lead on their rights, values needs and the most effective ways to realise and support them.
3.4.3. Empower Indigenous peoples and Local communities and all rightsholders and stakeholders to participate in governance and to input their knowledge of sites and species, and to lead on their rights, values needs and the most effective ways to realise and support them.
3.4.3. Empower Indigenous peoples and Local communities and all rightsholders and stakeholders to participate in governance and to input their knowledge of sites and species, and to lead on their rights, values needs and the most effective ways to realise and support them.
3.4.3. Empower Indigenous peoples and Local communities and all rightsholders and stakeholders to participate in governance and to input their knowledge of sites and species, and to lead on their rights, values needs and the most effective ways to realise and support them.
3.4.4. Ensure Indigenous peoples and Local communities and all rightsholders and stakeholders are fully informed, involved, consulted and on an equitable basis, in site governance, planning and management, and provide adequate resourcing, capacity, and training as appropriate.
3.4.4. Ensure Indigenous peoples and Local communities and all rightsholders and stakeholders are fully informed, involved, consulted and on an equitable basis, in site governance, planning and management, and provide adequate resourcing, capacity, and training as appropriate.
3.4.4. Ensure Indigenous peoples and Local communities and all rightsholders and stakeholders are fully informed, involved, consulted and on an equitable basis, in site governance, planning and management, and provide adequate resourcing, capacity, and training as appropriate.
3.4.4. Ensure Indigenous peoples and Local communities and all rightsholders and stakeholders are fully informed, involved, consulted and on an equitable basis, in site governance, planning and management, and provide adequate resourcing, capacity, and training as appropriate.
3.4.4. Ensure Indigenous peoples and Local communities and all rightsholders and stakeholders are fully informed, involved, consulted and on an equitable basis, in site governance, planning and management, and provide adequate resourcing, capacity, and training as appropriate.
3.4.5. Monitor and evaluate success of protected and conserved areas in conserving species.
3.4.5. Monitor and evaluate success of protected and conserved areas in conserving species.
3.4.5. Monitor and evaluate success of protected and conserved areas in conserving species.
3.4.5. Monitor and evaluate success of protected and conserved areas in conserving species.
3.4.5. Monitor and evaluate success of protected and conserved areas in conserving species.
4.1. Assess the conservation status of all species and identify those needing targeted recovery actions.
4.1. Assess the conservation status of all species and identify those needing targeted recovery actions.
4.1. Assess the conservation status of all species and identify those needing targeted recovery actions.
4.1. Assess the conservation status of all species and identify those needing targeted recovery actions.
4.1. Assess the conservation status of all species and identify those needing targeted recovery actions.
4.1.1. Assess the extinction risk, population size and trends, distribution, threats, and conservation potential of all species.
4.1.1. Assess the extinction risk, population size and trends, distribution, threats, and conservation potential of all species.
4.1.1. Assess the extinction risk, population size and trends, distribution, threats, and conservation potential of all species.
4.1.1. Assess the extinction risk, population size and trends, distribution, threats, and conservation potential of all species.
4.1.1. Assess the extinction risk, population size and trends, distribution, threats, and conservation potential of all species.
4.1.2. Develop National Red Lists.
4.1.2. Develop National Red Lists.
4.1.2. Develop National Red Lists.
4.1.2. Develop National Red Lists.
4.1.2. Develop National Red Lists.
4.1.3. Identify species that require targeted action to enable their recovery.
4.1.3. Identify species that require targeted action to enable their recovery.
4.1.3. Identify species that require targeted action to enable their recovery.
4.1.3. Identify species that require targeted action to enable their recovery.
4.1.3. Identify species that require targeted action to enable their recovery.
4.1.4. Develop comprehensive monitoring programmes, including relevant indicators, for target species and recovery programmes.
4.1.4. Develop comprehensive monitoring programmes, including relevant indicators, for target species and recovery programmes.
4.1.4. Develop comprehensive monitoring programmes, including relevant indicators, for target species and recovery programmes.
4.1.4. Develop comprehensive monitoring programmes, including relevant indicators, for target species and recovery programmes.
4.1.4. Develop comprehensive monitoring programmes, including relevant indicators, for target species and recovery programmes.
4.2. Develop and implement a recovery plan (single species, multi-species, site-based, or threat-based) for all species that require one.
4.2. Develop and implement a recovery plan (single species, multi-species, site-based, or threat-based) for all species that require one.
4.2. Develop and implement a recovery plan (single species, multi-species, site-based, or threat-based) for all species that require one.
4.2. Develop and implement a recovery plan (single species, multi-species, site-based, or threat-based) for all species that require one.
4.2. Develop and implement a recovery plan (single species, multi-species, site-based, or threat-based) for all species that require one.
4.2.1. Integrate existing global strategies for whole taxonomic groups into national and regional planning.
4.2.1. Integrate existing global strategies for whole taxonomic groups into national and regional planning.
4.2.1. Integrate existing global strategies for whole taxonomic groups into national and regional planning.
4.2.1. Integrate existing global strategies for whole taxonomic groups into national and regional planning.
4.2.1. Integrate existing global strategies for whole taxonomic groups into national and regional planning.
4.2.2. Increase the capacity of national governments, NGOs and CSOs to conduct species recovery planning at global, regional, and national levels.
4.2.2. Increase the capacity of national governments, NGOs and CSOs to conduct species recovery planning at global, regional, and national levels.
4.2.2. Increase the capacity of national governments, NGOs and CSOs to conduct species recovery planning at global, regional, and national levels.
4.2.2. Increase the capacity of national governments, NGOs and CSOs to conduct species recovery planning at global, regional, and national levels.
4.2.2. Increase the capacity of national governments, NGOs and CSOs to conduct species recovery planning at global, regional, and national levels.
4.2.3. Develop comprehensive recovery plans with a defined implementation and coordination mechanism.
4.2.3. Develop comprehensive recovery plans with a defined implementation and coordination mechanism.
4.2.3. Develop comprehensive recovery plans with a defined implementation and coordination mechanism.
4.2.3. Develop comprehensive recovery plans with a defined implementation and coordination mechanism.
4.2.3. Develop comprehensive recovery plans with a defined implementation and coordination mechanism.
4.2.4. Integrate in situ and ex situ planning for species with significant ex-situ populations.
4.2.4. Integrate in situ and ex situ planning for species with significant ex-situ populations.
4.2.4. Integrate in situ and ex situ planning for species with significant ex-situ populations.
4.2.4. Integrate in situ and ex situ planning for species with significant ex-situ populations.
4.2.4. Integrate in situ and ex situ planning for species with significant ex-situ populations.
4.2.5. Identify species or groups of species with similar planning needs.
4.2.5. Identify species or groups of species with similar planning needs.
4.2.5. Identify species or groups of species with similar planning needs.
4.2.5. Identify species or groups of species with similar planning needs.
4.2.5. Identify species or groups of species with similar planning needs.
4.3. Enact measures to prevent extinctions and recover threatened species.
4.3. Enact measures to prevent extinctions and recover threatened species.
4.3. Enact measures to prevent extinctions and recover threatened species.
4.3. Enact measures to prevent extinctions and recover threatened species.
4.3. Enact measures to prevent extinctions and recover threatened species.
4.3.1. Implement species recovery plans fully and effectively.
4.3.1. Implement species recovery plans fully and effectively.
4.3.1. Implement species recovery plans fully and effectively.
4.3.1. Implement species recovery plans fully and effectively.
4.3.1. Implement species recovery plans fully and effectively.
4.3.2. Include national work plans for species in NBSAPs.
4.3.2. Include national work plans for species in NBSAPs.
4.3.2. Include national work plans for species in NBSAPs.
4.3.2. Include national work plans for species in NBSAPs.
4.3.2. Include national work plans for species in NBSAPs.
4.3.3. Provide full technical and financial support to those responsible for implementation.
4.3.3. Provide full technical and financial support to those responsible for implementation.
4.3.3. Provide full technical and financial support to those responsible for implementation.
4.3.3. Provide full technical and financial support to those responsible for implementation.
4.3.3. Provide full technical and financial support to those responsible for implementation.
4.3.4. Conduct all species reintroductions and other conservation translocations according to IUCN guidelines and other specific guidelines building on the IUCN ones.
4.3.4. Conduct all species reintroductions and other conservation translocations according to IUCN guidelines and other specific guidelines building on the IUCN ones.
4.3.4. Conduct all species reintroductions and other conservation translocations according to IUCN guidelines and other specific guidelines building on the IUCN ones.
4.3.4. Conduct all species reintroductions and other conservation translocations according to IUCN guidelines and other specific guidelines building on the IUCN ones.
4.3.4. Conduct all species reintroductions and other conservation translocations according to IUCN guidelines and other specific guidelines building on the IUCN ones.
4.3.5. Incorporate assisted colonization of species most vulnerable to impacts of climate change or identify and secure ‘climate corridors’ allowing species to move naturally.
4.3.5. Incorporate assisted colonization of species most vulnerable to impacts of climate change or identify and secure ‘climate corridors’ allowing species to move naturally.
4.3.5. Incorporate assisted colonization of species most vulnerable to impacts of climate change or identify and secure ‘climate corridors’ allowing species to move naturally.
4.3.5. Incorporate assisted colonization of species most vulnerable to impacts of climate change or identify and secure ‘climate corridors’ allowing species to move naturally.
4.3.5. Incorporate assisted colonization of species most vulnerable to impacts of climate change or identify and secure ‘climate corridors’ allowing species to move naturally.
4.3.6. Apply laws and regulations on species conservation effectively and strengthen or update legal frameworks where relevant.
4.3.6. Apply laws and regulations on species conservation effectively and strengthen or update legal frameworks where relevant.
4.3.6. Apply laws and regulations on species conservation effectively and strengthen or update legal frameworks where relevant.
4.3.6. Apply laws and regulations on species conservation effectively and strengthen or update legal frameworks where relevant.
4.3.6. Apply laws and regulations on species conservation effectively and strengthen or update legal frameworks where relevant.
4.3.7. Support transboundary conservation programmes for species’ populations that cross national borders.
4.3.7. Support transboundary conservation programmes for species’ populations that cross national borders.
4.3.7. Support transboundary conservation programmes for species’ populations that cross national borders.
4.3.7. Support transboundary conservation programmes for species’ populations that cross national borders.
4.3.7. Support transboundary conservation programmes for species’ populations that cross national borders.
4.3.8. Reduce incidental mortality of species (ship strikes, wind turbines, collision and electrocution on electricity wires, road kill).
4.3.8. Reduce incidental mortality of species (ship strikes, wind turbines, collision and electrocution on electricity wires, road kill).
4.3.8. Reduce incidental mortality of species (ship strikes, wind turbines, collision and electrocution on electricity wires, road kill).
4.3.8. Reduce incidental mortality of species (ship strikes, wind turbines, collision and electrocution on electricity wires, road kill).
4.3.8. Reduce incidental mortality of species (ship strikes, wind turbines, collision and electrocution on electricity wires, road kill).
4.3.9. Employ One Health approaches to manage the human-livestock- wildlife disease interface regarding infectious diseases.
4.3.9. Employ One Health approaches to manage the human-livestock- wildlife disease interface regarding infectious diseases.
4.3.9. Employ One Health approaches to manage the human-livestock- wildlife disease interface regarding infectious diseases.
4.3.9. Employ One Health approaches to manage the human-livestock- wildlife disease interface regarding infectious diseases.
4.3.9. Employ One Health approaches to manage the human-livestock- wildlife disease interface regarding infectious diseases.
4.4. Maintain or establish coordinated ex-situ breeding or propagation programmes for all species that require them.
4.4. Maintain or establish coordinated ex-situ breeding or propagation programmes for all species that require them.
4.4. Maintain or establish coordinated ex-situ breeding or propagation programmes for all species that require them.
4.4. Maintain or establish coordinated ex-situ breeding or propagation programmes for all species that require them.
4.4. Maintain or establish coordinated ex-situ breeding or propagation programmes for all species that require them.
4.4.1. Evaluate the status and value of ex-situ populations and reinforce or establish them where appropriate.
4.4.1. Evaluate the status and value of ex-situ populations and reinforce or establish them where appropriate.
4.4.1. Evaluate the status and value of ex-situ populations and reinforce or establish them where appropriate.
4.4.1. Evaluate the status and value of ex-situ populations and reinforce or establish them where appropriate.
4.4.1. Evaluate the status and value of ex-situ populations and reinforce or establish them where appropriate.
4.4.2. Provide support to range countries in collection planning, breeding, and propagation programmes.
4.4.2. Provide support to range countries in collection planning, breeding, and propagation programmes.
4.4.2. Provide support to range countries in collection planning, breeding, and propagation programmes.
4.4.2. Provide support to range countries in collection planning, breeding, and propagation programmes.
4.4.2. Provide support to range countries in collection planning, breeding, and propagation programmes.
4.4.3. Follow Red List guidance on including ex situ populations in assessments.
4.4.3. Follow Red List guidance on including ex situ populations in assessments.
4.4.3. Follow Red List guidance on including ex situ populations in assessments.
4.4.3. Follow Red List guidance on including ex situ populations in assessments.
4.4.3. Follow Red List guidance on including ex situ populations in assessments.
4.5. Minimise loss of genetic diversity across all threatened species and retain at least 95% gene diversity in species where it is already depleted.
4.5. Minimise loss of genetic diversity across all threatened species and retain at least 95% gene diversity in species where it is already depleted.
4.5. Minimise loss of genetic diversity across all threatened species and retain at least 95% gene diversity in species where it is already depleted.
4.5. Minimise loss of genetic diversity across all threatened species and retain at least 95% gene diversity in species where it is already depleted.
4.5. Minimise loss of genetic diversity across all threatened species and retain at least 95% gene diversity in species where it is already depleted.
4.5.1. Evaluate the loss in genetic diversity in populations of threatened species through genetic and genomic tools or proxy assessments.
4.5.1. Evaluate the loss in genetic diversity in populations of threatened species through genetic and genomic tools or proxy assessments.
4.5.1. Evaluate the loss in genetic diversity in populations of threatened species through genetic and genomic tools or proxy assessments.
4.5.1. Evaluate the loss in genetic diversity in populations of threatened species through genetic and genomic tools or proxy assessments.
4.5.1. Evaluate the loss in genetic diversity in populations of threatened species through genetic and genomic tools or proxy assessments.
4.5.2. Develop standardised genetic diversity indicators and reporting mechanisms for policy makers and conservation managers.
4.5.2. Develop standardised genetic diversity indicators and reporting mechanisms for policy makers and conservation managers.
4.5.2. Develop standardised genetic diversity indicators and reporting mechanisms for policy makers and conservation managers.
4.5.2. Develop standardised genetic diversity indicators and reporting mechanisms for policy makers and conservation managers.
4.5.2. Develop standardised genetic diversity indicators and reporting mechanisms for policy makers and conservation managers.
4.5.3. Use genetic and genomic analyses to inform integrated metapopulation management of ex situ and in situ populations and their role in reintroductions and reinforcement.
4.5.3. Use genetic and genomic analyses to inform integrated metapopulation management of ex situ and in situ populations and their role in reintroductions and reinforcement.
4.5.3. Use genetic and genomic analyses to inform integrated metapopulation management of ex situ and in situ populations and their role in reintroductions and reinforcement.
4.5.3. Use genetic and genomic analyses to inform integrated metapopulation management of ex situ and in situ populations and their role in reintroductions and reinforcement.
4.5.3. Use genetic and genomic analyses to inform integrated metapopulation management of ex situ and in situ populations and their role in reintroductions and reinforcement.
4.5.4. Include genetic risks in species Red List assessments.
4.5.4. Include genetic risks in species Red List assessments.
4.5.4. Include genetic risks in species Red List assessments.
4.5.4. Include genetic risks in species Red List assessments.
4.5.4. Include genetic risks in species Red List assessments.
4.6. Reduce and manage human-wildlife conflict and its drivers through a holistic, cross-sectoral approach.
4.6. Reduce and manage human-wildlife conflict and its drivers through a holistic, cross-sectoral approach.
4.6. Reduce and manage human-wildlife conflict and its drivers through a holistic, cross-sectoral approach.
4.6. Reduce and manage human-wildlife conflict and its drivers through a holistic, cross-sectoral approach.
4.6. Reduce and manage human-wildlife conflict and its drivers through a holistic, cross-sectoral approach.
4.6.1. Develop holistic strategies and associated policies to prevent and manage human-wildlife conflict (HWC).
4.6.1. Develop holistic strategies and associated policies to prevent and manage human-wildlife conflict (HWC).
4.6.1. Develop holistic strategies and associated policies to prevent and manage human-wildlife conflict (HWC).
4.6.1. Develop holistic strategies and associated policies to prevent and manage human-wildlife conflict (HWC).
4.6.1. Develop holistic strategies and associated policies to prevent and manage human-wildlife conflict (HWC).
4.6.2. Increase national and local capacity to prevent and manage HWC.
4.6.2. Increase national and local capacity to prevent and manage HWC.
4.6.2. Increase national and local capacity to prevent and manage HWC.
4.6.2. Increase national and local capacity to prevent and manage HWC.
4.6.2. Increase national and local capacity to prevent and manage HWC.
4.6.3. Integrate standards of HWC prevention, management, and coexistence into industry certification schemes.
4.6.3. Integrate standards of HWC prevention, management, and coexistence into industry certification schemes.
4.6.3. Integrate standards of HWC prevention, management, and coexistence into industry certification schemes.
4.6.3. Integrate standards of HWC prevention, management, and coexistence into industry certification schemes.
4.6.3. Integrate standards of HWC prevention, management, and coexistence into industry certification schemes.
4.6.4. Develop and implement standardised HWC monitoring protocols, ideally at national level, utilizing available technologies (e.g. SMART).
4.6.4. Develop and implement standardised HWC monitoring protocols, ideally at national level, utilizing available technologies (e.g. SMART).
4.6.4. Develop and implement standardised HWC monitoring protocols, ideally at national level, utilizing available technologies (e.g. SMART).
4.6.4. Develop and implement standardised HWC monitoring protocols, ideally at national level, utilizing available technologies (e.g. SMART).
4.6.4. Develop and implement standardised HWC monitoring protocols, ideally at national level, utilizing available technologies (e.g. SMART).
4.6.5. Increase awareness, knowledge exchange, and adaptive management of HWC approaches, increasing their efficacy.
4.6.5. Increase awareness, knowledge exchange, and adaptive management of HWC approaches, increasing their efficacy.
4.6.5. Increase awareness, knowledge exchange, and adaptive management of HWC approaches, increasing their efficacy.
4.6.5. Increase awareness, knowledge exchange, and adaptive management of HWC approaches, increasing their efficacy.
4.6.5. Increase awareness, knowledge exchange, and adaptive management of HWC approaches, increasing their efficacy.
4.7. Determine factors governing species conservation success.
4.7. Determine factors governing species conservation success.
4.7. Determine factors governing species conservation success.
4.7. Determine factors governing species conservation success.
4.7. Determine factors governing species conservation success.
4.7.1. Analyse reasons for success and failure of species conservation measures.
4.7.1. Analyse reasons for success and failure of species conservation measures.
4.7.1. Analyse reasons for success and failure of species conservation measures.
4.7.1. Analyse reasons for success and failure of species conservation measures.
4.7.1. Analyse reasons for success and failure of species conservation measures.
4.7.2. Promote all examples of successful species conservation action and lessons learned.
4.7.2. Promote all examples of successful species conservation action and lessons learned.
4.7.2. Promote all examples of successful species conservation action and lessons learned.
4.7.2. Promote all examples of successful species conservation action and lessons learned.
4.7.2. Promote all examples of successful species conservation action and lessons learned.
5.1. Ensure that use of wild species is sustainable.
5.1. Ensure that use of wild species is sustainable.
5.1. Ensure that use of wild species is sustainable.
5.1. Ensure that use of wild species is sustainable.
5.1. Ensure that use of wild species is sustainable.
5.1.1. Develop effective systems to monitor population trends in harvested or traded species.
5.1.1. Develop effective systems to monitor population trends in harvested or traded species.
5.1.1. Develop effective systems to monitor population trends in harvested or traded species.
5.1.1. Develop effective systems to monitor population trends in harvested or traded species.
5.1.1. Develop effective systems to monitor population trends in harvested or traded species.
5.1.2. Provide technical support for sustainable use of species.
5.1.2. Provide technical support for sustainable use of species.
5.1.2. Provide technical support for sustainable use of species.
5.1.2. Provide technical support for sustainable use of species.
5.1.2. Provide technical support for sustainable use of species.
5.1.3. Co-develop harvest quotas equitably and transparently with Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities.
5.1.3. Co-develop harvest quotas equitably and transparently with Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities.
5.1.3. Co-develop harvest quotas equitably and transparently with Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities.
5.1.3. Co-develop harvest quotas equitably and transparently with Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities.
5.1.3. Co-develop harvest quotas equitably and transparently with Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities.
5.1.4. Develop effective systems to monitor and report harvest, trade, and sustainability, along with participation and socio-economic benefits.
5.1.4. Develop effective systems to monitor and report harvest, trade, and sustainability, along with participation and socio-economic benefits.
5.1.4. Develop effective systems to monitor and report harvest, trade, and sustainability, along with participation and socio-economic benefits.
5.1.4. Develop effective systems to monitor and report harvest, trade, and sustainability, along with participation and socio-economic benefits.
5.1.4. Develop effective systems to monitor and report harvest, trade, and sustainability, along with participation and socio-economic benefits.
5.1.5. Monitor success of sustainable use programmes and interventions in improving the local conservation status of species and improving local attitudes to nature.
5.1.5. Monitor success of sustainable use programmes and interventions in improving the local conservation status of species and improving local attitudes to nature.
5.1.5. Monitor success of sustainable use programmes and interventions in improving the local conservation status of species and improving local attitudes to nature.
5.1.5. Monitor success of sustainable use programmes and interventions in improving the local conservation status of species and improving local attitudes to nature.
5.1.5. Monitor success of sustainable use programmes and interventions in improving the local conservation status of species and improving local attitudes to nature.
5.1.6. Develop species management plans for key wild species of fauna and flora in use and trade.
5.1.6. Develop species management plans for key wild species of fauna and flora in use and trade.
5.1.6. Develop species management plans for key wild species of fauna and flora in use and trade.
5.1.6. Develop species management plans for key wild species of fauna and flora in use and trade.
5.1.6. Develop species management plans for key wild species of fauna and flora in use and trade.
5.1.7 Apply voluntary guidelines and standards verifying traceability and sustainability (including FSC, MSC, FairWild, UEBT, and others) wherever applicable.
5.1.7 Apply voluntary guidelines and standards verifying traceability and sustainability (including FSC, MSC, FairWild, UEBT, and others) wherever applicable.
5.1.7 Apply voluntary guidelines and standards verifying traceability and sustainability (including FSC, MSC, FairWild, UEBT, and others) wherever applicable.
5.1.7 Apply voluntary guidelines and standards verifying traceability and sustainability (including FSC, MSC, FairWild, UEBT, and others) wherever applicable.
5.1.7 Apply voluntary guidelines and standards verifying traceability and sustainability (including FSC, MSC, FairWild, UEBT, and others) wherever applicable.
5.2. Ensure wild meat consumption and trade is at sustainable levels.
5.2. Ensure wild meat consumption and trade is at sustainable levels.
5.2. Ensure wild meat consumption and trade is at sustainable levels.
5.2. Ensure wild meat consumption and trade is at sustainable levels.
5.2. Ensure wild meat consumption and trade is at sustainable levels.
5.2.1. Develop wild meat demand reduction and behaviour change programmes in urban areas where needed.
5.2.1. Develop wild meat demand reduction and behaviour change programmes in urban areas where needed.
5.2.1. Develop wild meat demand reduction and behaviour change programmes in urban areas where needed.
5.2.1. Develop wild meat demand reduction and behaviour change programmes in urban areas where needed.
5.2.1. Develop wild meat demand reduction and behaviour change programmes in urban areas where needed.
5.2.2. Work with Indigenous peoples and Local communities to provide alternative protein sources to rural communities.
5.2.2. Work with Indigenous peoples and Local communities to provide alternative protein sources to rural communities.
5.2.2. Work with Indigenous peoples and Local communities to provide alternative protein sources to rural communities.
5.2.2. Work with Indigenous peoples and Local communities to provide alternative protein sources to rural communities.
5.2.2. Work with Indigenous peoples and Local communities to provide alternative protein sources to rural communities.
5.2.3. Supply training materials in local and indigenous languages for rural community project self-management.
5.2.3. Supply training materials in local and indigenous languages for rural community project self-management.
5.2.3. Supply training materials in local and indigenous languages for rural community project self-management.
5.2.3. Supply training materials in local and indigenous languages for rural community project self-management.
5.2.3. Supply training materials in local and indigenous languages for rural community project self-management.
5.3. Ensure that all use of species is legal.
5.3. Ensure that all use of species is legal.
5.3. Ensure that all use of species is legal.
5.3. Ensure that all use of species is legal.
5.3. Ensure that all use of species is legal.
5.3.1. Review national legislation in respect of species in use and trade and identify gaps.
5.3.1. Review national legislation in respect of species in use and trade and identify gaps.
5.3.1. Review national legislation in respect of species in use and trade and identify gaps.
5.3.1. Review national legislation in respect of species in use and trade and identify gaps.
5.3.1. Review national legislation in respect of species in use and trade and identify gaps.
5.3.2. Include customary sustainable use (CSU) within legal use.
5.3.2. Include customary sustainable use (CSU) within legal use.
5.3.2. Include customary sustainable use (CSU) within legal use.
5.3.2. Include customary sustainable use (CSU) within legal use.
5.3.2. Include customary sustainable use (CSU) within legal use.
5.3.3. Develop or revise legal frameworks and harvest levels as appropriate.
5.3.3. Develop or revise legal frameworks and harvest levels as appropriate.
5.3.3. Develop or revise legal frameworks and harvest levels as appropriate.
5.3.3. Develop or revise legal frameworks and harvest levels as appropriate.
5.3.3. Develop or revise legal frameworks and harvest levels as appropriate.
5.3.4. Focus enforcement efforts on commercial levels of poaching and illegal trade.
5.3.4. Focus enforcement efforts on commercial levels of poaching and illegal trade.
5.3.4. Focus enforcement efforts on commercial levels of poaching and illegal trade.
5.3.4. Focus enforcement efforts on commercial levels of poaching and illegal trade.
5.3.4. Focus enforcement efforts on commercial levels of poaching and illegal trade.
5.4. Reduce illegal trade of species and products.
5.4. Reduce illegal trade of species and products.
5.4. Reduce illegal trade of species and products.
5.4. Reduce illegal trade of species and products.
5.4. Reduce illegal trade of species and products.
5.4.1. Encourage all countries to become signatories to CITES.
5.4.1. Encourage all countries to become signatories to CITES.
5.4.1. Encourage all countries to become signatories to CITES.
5.4.1. Encourage all countries to become signatories to CITES.
5.4.1. Encourage all countries to become signatories to CITES.
5.4.2. Comply fully with CITES regulations, non-detriment findings, and reporting on international trade.
5.4.2. Comply fully with CITES regulations, non-detriment findings, and reporting on international trade.
5.4.2. Comply fully with CITES regulations, non-detriment findings, and reporting on international trade.
5.4.2. Comply fully with CITES regulations, non-detriment findings, and reporting on international trade.
5.4.2. Comply fully with CITES regulations, non-detriment findings, and reporting on international trade.
5.4.3. Coordinate and scale-up collaborative actions by enforcement agencies, customs, judiciary, and other relevant entities to combat poaching trade in wild species.
5.4.3. Coordinate and scale-up collaborative actions by enforcement agencies, customs, judiciary, and other relevant entities to combat poaching trade in wild species.
5.4.3. Coordinate and scale-up collaborative actions by enforcement agencies, customs, judiciary, and other relevant entities to combat poaching trade in wild species.
5.4.3. Coordinate and scale-up collaborative actions by enforcement agencies, customs, judiciary, and other relevant entities to combat poaching trade in wild species.
5.4.3. Coordinate and scale-up collaborative actions by enforcement agencies, customs, judiciary, and other relevant entities to combat poaching trade in wild species.
5.4.4. Use behavioural change interventions to reduce demand for products from threatened populations.
5.4.4. Use behavioural change interventions to reduce demand for products from threatened populations.
5.4.4. Use behavioural change interventions to reduce demand for products from threatened populations.
5.4.4. Use behavioural change interventions to reduce demand for products from threatened populations.
5.4.4. Use behavioural change interventions to reduce demand for products from threatened populations.
5.4.5. Reduce Illegal, Unreported, Unregulated Practices (IUUP) in fisheries.
5.4.5. Reduce Illegal, Unreported, Unregulated Practices (IUUP) in fisheries.
5.4.5. Reduce Illegal, Unreported, Unregulated Practices (IUUP) in fisheries.
5.4.5. Reduce Illegal, Unreported, Unregulated Practices (IUUP) in fisheries.
5.4.5. Reduce Illegal, Unreported, Unregulated Practices (IUUP) in fisheries.
5.4.6 Reduce in-country illegal trade, including of illegally obtained animals and plants and readily recognisable parts or derivatives of such.
5.4.6 Reduce in-country illegal trade, including of illegally obtained animals and plants and readily recognisable parts or derivatives of such.
5.4.6 Reduce in-country illegal trade, including of illegally obtained animals and plants and readily recognisable parts or derivatives of such.
5.4.6 Reduce in-country illegal trade, including of illegally obtained animals and plants and readily recognisable parts or derivatives of such.
5.4.6 Reduce in-country illegal trade, including of illegally obtained animals and plants and readily recognisable parts or derivatives of such.
5.4.7. Identify and implement targeted economic activities as an alternative to illegal trade.
5.4.7. Identify and implement targeted economic activities as an alternative to illegal trade.
5.4.7. Identify and implement targeted economic activities as an alternative to illegal trade.
5.4.7. Identify and implement targeted economic activities as an alternative to illegal trade.
5.4.7. Identify and implement targeted economic activities as an alternative to illegal trade.
5.4.8. Assess the role of safe and sustainable wildlife farming and cultivation where appropriate.
5.4.8. Assess the role of safe and sustainable wildlife farming and cultivation where appropriate.
5.4.8. Assess the role of safe and sustainable wildlife farming and cultivation where appropriate.
5.4.8. Assess the role of safe and sustainable wildlife farming and cultivation where appropriate.
5.4.8. Assess the role of safe and sustainable wildlife farming and cultivation where appropriate.
5.4.9. Ensure that measures to reduce illegal trade and trafficking do not create barriers to sustainable use that conserves species and supports livelihoods and the ecosystems on which they depend.
5.4.9. Ensure that measures to reduce illegal trade and trafficking do not create barriers to sustainable use that conserves species and supports livelihoods and the ecosystems on which they depend.
5.4.9. Ensure that measures to reduce illegal trade and trafficking do not create barriers to sustainable use that conserves species and supports livelihoods and the ecosystems on which they depend.
5.4.9. Ensure that measures to reduce illegal trade and trafficking do not create barriers to sustainable use that conserves species and supports livelihoods and the ecosystems on which they depend.
5.4.9. Ensure that measures to reduce illegal trade and trafficking do not create barriers to sustainable use that conserves species and supports livelihoods and the ecosystems on which they depend.
5.5. Reduce the impact of bycatch on non-target species.
5.5. Reduce the impact of bycatch on non-target species.
5.5. Reduce the impact of bycatch on non-target species.
5.5. Reduce the impact of bycatch on non-target species.
5.5. Reduce the impact of bycatch on non-target species.
5.5.1. Drive innovation to fishing gear modifications that reduce or eliminate bycatch.
5.5.1. Drive innovation to fishing gear modifications that reduce or eliminate bycatch.
5.5.1. Drive innovation to fishing gear modifications that reduce or eliminate bycatch.
5.5.1. Drive innovation to fishing gear modifications that reduce or eliminate bycatch.
5.5.1. Drive innovation to fishing gear modifications that reduce or eliminate bycatch.
5.5.2. Control the discarding of fishing nets and other gear.
5.5.2. Control the discarding of fishing nets and other gear.
5.5.2. Control the discarding of fishing nets and other gear.
5.5.2. Control the discarding of fishing nets and other gear.
5.5.2. Control the discarding of fishing nets and other gear.
5.5.3. Work with fisher communities and organizations to increase capacity and experience in the safe handling, monitoring, and release of bycatch.
5.5.3. Work with fisher communities and organizations to increase capacity and experience in the safe handling, monitoring, and release of bycatch.
5.5.3. Work with fisher communities and organizations to increase capacity and experience in the safe handling, monitoring, and release of bycatch.
5.5.3. Work with fisher communities and organizations to increase capacity and experience in the safe handling, monitoring, and release of bycatch.
5.5.3. Work with fisher communities and organizations to increase capacity and experience in the safe handling, monitoring, and release of bycatch.
5.5.4. Assess community fisheries education programmes with local partners to identify systemic weakness requiring remediation.
5.5.4. Assess community fisheries education programmes with local partners to identify systemic weakness requiring remediation.
5.5.4. Assess community fisheries education programmes with local partners to identify systemic weakness requiring remediation.
5.5.4. Assess community fisheries education programmes with local partners to identify systemic weakness requiring remediation.
5.5.4. Assess community fisheries education programmes with local partners to identify systemic weakness requiring remediation.
5.5.5. Adopt legislation on the most effective gear modifications and handling protocols.
5.5.5. Adopt legislation on the most effective gear modifications and handling protocols.
5.5.5. Adopt legislation on the most effective gear modifications and handling protocols.
5.5.5. Adopt legislation on the most effective gear modifications and handling protocols.
5.5.5. Adopt legislation on the most effective gear modifications and handling protocols.
5.5.6. Ensure Regional Fisheries management is effective.
5.5.6. Ensure Regional Fisheries management is effective.
5.5.6. Ensure Regional Fisheries management is effective.
5.5.6. Ensure Regional Fisheries management is effective.
5.5.6. Ensure Regional Fisheries management is effective.
5.5.7. Reduce the impact of bycatch on other non-target species (snaring, indiscriminate harvest etc).
5.5.7. Reduce the impact of bycatch on other non-target species (snaring, indiscriminate harvest etc).
5.5.7. Reduce the impact of bycatch on other non-target species (snaring, indiscriminate harvest etc).
5.5.7. Reduce the impact of bycatch on other non-target species (snaring, indiscriminate harvest etc).
5.5.7. Reduce the impact of bycatch on other non-target species (snaring, indiscriminate harvest etc).
5.6. Reduce risks for human health from handling, trading, and consuming wild species.
5.6. Reduce risks for human health from handling, trading, and consuming wild species.
5.6. Reduce risks for human health from handling, trading, and consuming wild species.
5.6. Reduce risks for human health from handling, trading, and consuming wild species.
5.6. Reduce risks for human health from handling, trading, and consuming wild species.
5.6.1. Employ One Health approaches in all sectors involved in handling and managing wild species.
5.6.1. Employ One Health approaches in all sectors involved in handling and managing wild species.
5.6.1. Employ One Health approaches in all sectors involved in handling and managing wild species.
5.6.1. Employ One Health approaches in all sectors involved in handling and managing wild species.
5.6.1. Employ One Health approaches in all sectors involved in handling and managing wild species.
5.6.2. Deliver One Health programmes with local partners to engage Indigenous peoples and Local communities for the purpose of raising IPs and LCs awareness of critical health issues regarding wild species.
5.6.2. Deliver One Health programmes with local partners to engage Indigenous peoples and Local communities for the purpose of raising IPs and LCs awareness of critical health issues regarding wild species.
5.6.2. Deliver One Health programmes with local partners to engage Indigenous peoples and Local communities for the purpose of raising IPs and LCs awareness of critical health issues regarding wild species.
5.6.2. Deliver One Health programmes with local partners to engage Indigenous peoples and Local communities for the purpose of raising IPs and LCs awareness of critical health issues regarding wild species.
5.6.2. Deliver One Health programmes with local partners to engage Indigenous peoples and Local communities for the purpose of raising IPs and LCs awareness of critical health issues regarding wild species.
5.6.3. Create a central database and reporting mechanism for data on diseases originating from the global wildlife trade.
5.6.3. Create a central database and reporting mechanism for data on diseases originating from the global wildlife trade.
5.6.3. Create a central database and reporting mechanism for data on diseases originating from the global wildlife trade.
5.6.3. Create a central database and reporting mechanism for data on diseases originating from the global wildlife trade.
5.6.3. Create a central database and reporting mechanism for data on diseases originating from the global wildlife trade.
5.6.4. Ensure IUCN SSC Disease Risk Analysis (DRA) Guidelines and associated manual and training materials are kept up to date.
5.6.4. Ensure IUCN SSC Disease Risk Analysis (DRA) Guidelines and associated manual and training materials are kept up to date.
5.6.4. Ensure IUCN SSC Disease Risk Analysis (DRA) Guidelines and associated manual and training materials are kept up to date.
5.6.4. Ensure IUCN SSC Disease Risk Analysis (DRA) Guidelines and associated manual and training materials are kept up to date.
5.6.4. Ensure IUCN SSC Disease Risk Analysis (DRA) Guidelines and associated manual and training materials are kept up to date.
5.6.5. Provide DRA expertise and training where needed.
5.6.5. Provide DRA expertise and training where needed.
5.6.5. Provide DRA expertise and training where needed.
5.6.5. Provide DRA expertise and training where needed.
5.6.5. Provide DRA expertise and training where needed.
6.1. Enact strategies, policies, and legislation to reduce impacts of invasive alien species on native species.
6.1. Enact strategies, policies, and legislation to reduce impacts of invasive alien species on native species.
6.1. Enact strategies, policies, and legislation to reduce impacts of invasive alien species on native species.
6.1. Enact strategies, policies, and legislation to reduce impacts of invasive alien species on native species.
6.1. Enact strategies, policies, and legislation to reduce impacts of invasive alien species on native species.
6.1.1. Develop and implement National Invasive Species Strategies and Action Plans (NISSAP).
6.1.1. Develop and implement National Invasive Species Strategies and Action Plans (NISSAP).
6.1.1. Develop and implement National Invasive Species Strategies and Action Plans (NISSAP).
6.1.1. Develop and implement National Invasive Species Strategies and Action Plans (NISSAP).
6.1.1. Develop and implement National Invasive Species Strategies and Action Plans (NISSAP).
6.1.2. Enact legislation and policies to control and manage IAS, pathways of introduction, and banning the import, possession, or breeding of priority IAS.
6.1.2. Enact legislation and policies to control and manage IAS, pathways of introduction, and banning the import, possession, or breeding of priority IAS.
6.1.2. Enact legislation and policies to control and manage IAS, pathways of introduction, and banning the import, possession, or breeding of priority IAS.
6.1.2. Enact legislation and policies to control and manage IAS, pathways of introduction, and banning the import, possession, or breeding of priority IAS.
6.1.2. Enact legislation and policies to control and manage IAS, pathways of introduction, and banning the import, possession, or breeding of priority IAS.
6.1.3. Produce technical guidance on development of legislation, policy and strategies addressing IAS.
6.1.3. Produce technical guidance on development of legislation, policy and strategies addressing IAS.
6.1.3. Produce technical guidance on development of legislation, policy and strategies addressing IAS.
6.1.3. Produce technical guidance on development of legislation, policy and strategies addressing IAS.
6.1.3. Produce technical guidance on development of legislation, policy and strategies addressing IAS.
6.1.4. Identify IAS that have the most harmful impacts on species and sites that are the most vulnerable to IAS.
6.1.4. Identify IAS that have the most harmful impacts on species and sites that are the most vulnerable to IAS.
6.1.4. Identify IAS that have the most harmful impacts on species and sites that are the most vulnerable to IAS.
6.1.4. Identify IAS that have the most harmful impacts on species and sites that are the most vulnerable to IAS.
6.1.4. Identify IAS that have the most harmful impacts on species and sites that are the most vulnerable to IAS.
6.1.5. Develop and implement private sector standards and guidance for the control of IAS, and management of their impacts.
6.1.5. Develop and implement private sector standards and guidance for the control of IAS, and management of their impacts.
6.1.5. Develop and implement private sector standards and guidance for the control of IAS, and management of their impacts.
6.1.5. Develop and implement private sector standards and guidance for the control of IAS, and management of their impacts.
6.1.5. Develop and implement private sector standards and guidance for the control of IAS, and management of their impacts.
6.1.6. Maintain and update the Global Invasive Species Database.
6.1.6. Maintain and update the Global Invasive Species Database.
6.1.6. Maintain and update the Global Invasive Species Database.
6.1.6. Maintain and update the Global Invasive Species Database.
6.1.6. Maintain and update the Global Invasive Species Database.
6.2. Control pathways of introduction of IAS, particularly the most harmful species.
6.2. Control pathways of introduction of IAS, particularly the most harmful species.
6.2. Control pathways of introduction of IAS, particularly the most harmful species.
6.2. Control pathways of introduction of IAS, particularly the most harmful species.
6.2. Control pathways of introduction of IAS, particularly the most harmful species.
6.2.1. Identify and prioritise pathways of introduction to be controlled.
6.2.1. Identify and prioritise pathways of introduction to be controlled.
6.2.1. Identify and prioritise pathways of introduction to be controlled.
6.2.1. Identify and prioritise pathways of introduction to be controlled.
6.2.1. Identify and prioritise pathways of introduction to be controlled.
6.2.2. Include IAS pathway identification and control into NISSAPs.
6.2.2. Include IAS pathway identification and control into NISSAPs.
6.2.2. Include IAS pathway identification and control into NISSAPs.
6.2.2. Include IAS pathway identification and control into NISSAPs.
6.2.2. Include IAS pathway identification and control into NISSAPs.
6.3. Eradicate, or control, IAS that have the most harmful impacts upon wild species.
6.3. Eradicate, or control, IAS that have the most harmful impacts upon wild species.
6.3. Eradicate, or control, IAS that have the most harmful impacts upon wild species.
6.3. Eradicate, or control, IAS that have the most harmful impacts upon wild species.
6.3. Eradicate, or control, IAS that have the most harmful impacts upon wild species.
6.3.1. Develop and implement eradication or and control plans for priority IAS and priority sites.
6.3.1. Develop and implement eradication or and control plans for priority IAS and priority sites.
6.3.1. Develop and implement eradication or and control plans for priority IAS and priority sites.
6.3.1. Develop and implement eradication or and control plans for priority IAS and priority sites.
6.3.1. Develop and implement eradication or and control plans for priority IAS and priority sites.
6.3.2. Produce guidance and best practices on the eradication and control of IAS.
6.3.2. Produce guidance and best practices on the eradication and control of IAS.
6.3.2. Produce guidance and best practices on the eradication and control of IAS.
6.3.2. Produce guidance and best practices on the eradication and control of IAS.
6.3.2. Produce guidance and best practices on the eradication and control of IAS.
6.4. Build capacity, stakeholder engagement and public awareness of the impacts of invasive alien species.
6.4. Build capacity, stakeholder engagement and public awareness of the impacts of invasive alien species.
6.4. Build capacity, stakeholder engagement and public awareness of the impacts of invasive alien species.
6.4. Build capacity, stakeholder engagement and public awareness of the impacts of invasive alien species.
6.4. Build capacity, stakeholder engagement and public awareness of the impacts of invasive alien species.
6.4.1. Build national capacity for biosecurity, monitoring and research, rapid eradication, management, and restoration.
6.4.1. Build national capacity for biosecurity, monitoring and research, rapid eradication, management, and restoration.
6.4.1. Build national capacity for biosecurity, monitoring and research, rapid eradication, management, and restoration.
6.4.1. Build national capacity for biosecurity, monitoring and research, rapid eradication, management, and restoration.
6.4.1. Build national capacity for biosecurity, monitoring and research, rapid eradication, management, and restoration.
6.4.2. Raise awareness among key stakeholder groups of IAS, their impacts, and actions that can be taken to control them.
6.4.2. Raise awareness among key stakeholder groups of IAS, their impacts, and actions that can be taken to control them.
6.4.2. Raise awareness among key stakeholder groups of IAS, their impacts, and actions that can be taken to control them.
6.4.2. Raise awareness among key stakeholder groups of IAS, their impacts, and actions that can be taken to control them.
6.4.2. Raise awareness among key stakeholder groups of IAS, their impacts, and actions that can be taken to control them.
6.4.3. Involve local communities in the planning and implementation of IAS management.
6.4.3. Involve local communities in the planning and implementation of IAS management.
6.4.3. Involve local communities in the planning and implementation of IAS management.
6.4.3. Involve local communities in the planning and implementation of IAS management.
6.4.3. Involve local communities in the planning and implementation of IAS management.
6.4.4. Initiate local language efforts on invasive species awareness.
6.4.4. Initiate local language efforts on invasive species awareness.
6.4.4. Initiate local language efforts on invasive species awareness.
6.4.4. Initiate local language efforts on invasive species awareness.
6.4.4. Initiate local language efforts on invasive species awareness.
7.1. Minimise the negative effects of pollution on species.
7.1. Minimise the negative effects of pollution on species.
7.1. Minimise the negative effects of pollution on species.
7.1. Minimise the negative effects of pollution on species.
7.1. Minimise the negative effects of pollution on species.
7.1.1. Implement guidelines and decisions of the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm conventions to protect species from hazardous chemicals and wastes.
7.1.1. Implement guidelines and decisions of the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm conventions to protect species from hazardous chemicals and wastes.
7.1.1. Implement guidelines and decisions of the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm conventions to protect species from hazardous chemicals and wastes.
7.1.1. Implement guidelines and decisions of the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm conventions to protect species from hazardous chemicals and wastes.
7.1.1. Implement guidelines and decisions of the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm conventions to protect species from hazardous chemicals and wastes.
7.1.2. Support a new global treaty on plastic pollution to minimize effects on species.
7.1.2. Support a new global treaty on plastic pollution to minimize effects on species.
7.1.2. Support a new global treaty on plastic pollution to minimize effects on species.
7.1.2. Support a new global treaty on plastic pollution to minimize effects on species.
7.1.2. Support a new global treaty on plastic pollution to minimize effects on species.
7.1.3. Limit impacts on species from agricultural runoff and biocides.
7.1.3. Limit impacts on species from agricultural runoff and biocides.
7.1.3. Limit impacts on species from agricultural runoff and biocides.
7.1.3. Limit impacts on species from agricultural runoff and biocides.
7.1.3. Limit impacts on species from agricultural runoff and biocides.
7.1.4. Increase the use of integrated pest management, and reduce indiscriminate use of pesticides, antibiotics, fertilizers.
7.1.4. Increase the use of integrated pest management, and reduce indiscriminate use of pesticides, antibiotics, fertilizers.
7.1.4. Increase the use of integrated pest management, and reduce indiscriminate use of pesticides, antibiotics, fertilizers.
7.1.4. Increase the use of integrated pest management, and reduce indiscriminate use of pesticides, antibiotics, fertilizers.
7.1.4. Increase the use of integrated pest management, and reduce indiscriminate use of pesticides, antibiotics, fertilizers.
7.1.5. Minimise the loss of hydrocarbon-based fuel sources from marine vessels (e.g. bilge water discharge, fuel tank washing) that threaten species.
7.1.5. Minimise the loss of hydrocarbon-based fuel sources from marine vessels (e.g. bilge water discharge, fuel tank washing) that threaten species.
7.1.5. Minimise the loss of hydrocarbon-based fuel sources from marine vessels (e.g. bilge water discharge, fuel tank washing) that threaten species.
7.1.5. Minimise the loss of hydrocarbon-based fuel sources from marine vessels (e.g. bilge water discharge, fuel tank washing) that threaten species.
7.1.5. Minimise the loss of hydrocarbon-based fuel sources from marine vessels (e.g. bilge water discharge, fuel tank washing) that threaten species.
7.1.6 Undertake measures to reduce the most severe impacts of acoustic and light pollution on threatened species in terrestrial and marine realms.
7.1.6 Undertake measures to reduce the most severe impacts of acoustic and light pollution on threatened species in terrestrial and marine realms.
7.1.6 Undertake measures to reduce the most severe impacts of acoustic and light pollution on threatened species in terrestrial and marine realms.
7.1.6 Undertake measures to reduce the most severe impacts of acoustic and light pollution on threatened species in terrestrial and marine realms.
7.1.6 Undertake measures to reduce the most severe impacts of acoustic and light pollution on threatened species in terrestrial and marine realms.
7.1.7. Ensure chemical and veterinary medicine licensing procedures take into account potential or demonstrated impacts on non-target species and seek safer alternatives in line with a One Health approach.
7.1.7. Ensure chemical and veterinary medicine licensing procedures take into account potential or demonstrated impacts on non-target species and seek safer alternatives in line with a One Health approach.
7.1.7. Ensure chemical and veterinary medicine licensing procedures take into account potential or demonstrated impacts on non-target species and seek safer alternatives in line with a One Health approach.
7.1.7. Ensure chemical and veterinary medicine licensing procedures take into account potential or demonstrated impacts on non-target species and seek safer alternatives in line with a One Health approach.
7.1.7. Ensure chemical and veterinary medicine licensing procedures take into account potential or demonstrated impacts on non-target species and seek safer alternatives in line with a One Health approach.
7.1.8. Phase out the use of lead ammunition for hunting and sport shooting.
7.1.8. Phase out the use of lead ammunition for hunting and sport shooting.
7.1.8. Phase out the use of lead ammunition for hunting and sport shooting.
7.1.8. Phase out the use of lead ammunition for hunting and sport shooting.
7.1.8. Phase out the use of lead ammunition for hunting and sport shooting.
8.1. Minimise the impacts of climate change on species through mitigation and adaptation.
8.1. Minimise the impacts of climate change on species through mitigation and adaptation.
8.1. Minimise the impacts of climate change on species through mitigation and adaptation.
8.1. Minimise the impacts of climate change on species through mitigation and adaptation.
8.1. Minimise the impacts of climate change on species through mitigation and adaptation.
8.1.1. Use IPCC global climate change scenarios to model threats to species and identify possible range shifts.
8.1.1. Use IPCC global climate change scenarios to model threats to species and identify possible range shifts.
8.1.1. Use IPCC global climate change scenarios to model threats to species and identify possible range shifts.
8.1.1. Use IPCC global climate change scenarios to model threats to species and identify possible range shifts.
8.1.1. Use IPCC global climate change scenarios to model threats to species and identify possible range shifts.
8.1.2. Conduct climate change vulnerability and adaptive capacity assessments for all threatened species.
8.1.2. Conduct climate change vulnerability and adaptive capacity assessments for all threatened species.
8.1.2. Conduct climate change vulnerability and adaptive capacity assessments for all threatened species.
8.1.2. Conduct climate change vulnerability and adaptive capacity assessments for all threatened species.
8.1.2. Conduct climate change vulnerability and adaptive capacity assessments for all threatened species.
8.1.3. Identify potential species refugia and climate corridors inside and outside indigenous range and secure them through PCAs (see also Target 3).
8.1.3. Identify potential species refugia and climate corridors inside and outside indigenous range and secure them through PCAs (see also Target 3).
8.1.3. Identify potential species refugia and climate corridors inside and outside indigenous range and secure them through PCAs (see also Target 3).
8.1.3. Identify potential species refugia and climate corridors inside and outside indigenous range and secure them through PCAs (see also Target 3).
8.1.3. Identify potential species refugia and climate corridors inside and outside indigenous range and secure them through PCAs (see also Target 3).
8.1.4. Incorporate vulnerability assessments into species conservation and recovery plans.
8.1.4. Incorporate vulnerability assessments into species conservation and recovery plans.
8.1.4. Incorporate vulnerability assessments into species conservation and recovery plans.
8.1.4. Incorporate vulnerability assessments into species conservation and recovery plans.
8.1.4. Incorporate vulnerability assessments into species conservation and recovery plans.
8.1.5. Maintain or restore ecological networks that allow species to move to climatically more suitable areas (see also Target 1).
8.1.5. Maintain or restore ecological networks that allow species to move to climatically more suitable areas (see also Target 1).
8.1.5. Maintain or restore ecological networks that allow species to move to climatically more suitable areas (see also Target 1).
8.1.5. Maintain or restore ecological networks that allow species to move to climatically more suitable areas (see also Target 1).
8.1.5. Maintain or restore ecological networks that allow species to move to climatically more suitable areas (see also Target 1).
8.1.6. Utilize diverse indigenous plant and fungi species in areas planted for carbon sequestration and climate mitigation and adaptation.
8.1.6. Utilize diverse indigenous plant and fungi species in areas planted for carbon sequestration and climate mitigation and adaptation.
8.1.6. Utilize diverse indigenous plant and fungi species in areas planted for carbon sequestration and climate mitigation and adaptation.
8.1.6. Utilize diverse indigenous plant and fungi species in areas planted for carbon sequestration and climate mitigation and adaptation.
8.1.6. Utilize diverse indigenous plant and fungi species in areas planted for carbon sequestration and climate mitigation and adaptation.
9.1. Safeguard fully equitable benefit-sharing mechanisms through appropriate legislation and regulations.
9.1. Safeguard fully equitable benefit-sharing mechanisms through appropriate legislation and regulations.
9.1. Safeguard fully equitable benefit-sharing mechanisms through appropriate legislation and regulations.
9.1. Safeguard fully equitable benefit-sharing mechanisms through appropriate legislation and regulations.
9.1. Safeguard fully equitable benefit-sharing mechanisms through appropriate legislation and regulations.
9.1.1. Provide Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities with the appropriate legal rights and incentives to protect, manage, and use species sustainably.
9.1.1. Provide Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities with the appropriate legal rights and incentives to protect, manage, and use species sustainably.
9.1.1. Provide Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities with the appropriate legal rights and incentives to protect, manage, and use species sustainably.
9.1.1. Provide Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities with the appropriate legal rights and incentives to protect, manage, and use species sustainably.
9.1.1. Provide Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities with the appropriate legal rights and incentives to protect, manage, and use species sustainably.
9.1.2. Allocate sustainable harvest quotas equitably and transparently.
9.1.2. Allocate sustainable harvest quotas equitably and transparently.
9.1.2. Allocate sustainable harvest quotas equitably and transparently.
9.1.2. Allocate sustainable harvest quotas equitably and transparently.
9.1.2. Allocate sustainable harvest quotas equitably and transparently.
9.1.3. Guarantee equitable revenues from use and trade in species for IPs and LCs through regulations or legislation.
9.1.3. Guarantee equitable revenues from use and trade in species for IPs and LCs through regulations or legislation.
9.1.3. Guarantee equitable revenues from use and trade in species for IPs and LCs through regulations or legislation.
9.1.3. Guarantee equitable revenues from use and trade in species for IPs and LCs through regulations or legislation.
9.1.3. Guarantee equitable revenues from use and trade in species for IPs and LCs through regulations or legislation.
9.1.4. Document indigenous and knowledge to support implementation of the Nagoya Protocol.
9.1.4. Document indigenous and knowledge to support implementation of the Nagoya Protocol.
9.1.4. Document indigenous and knowledge to support implementation of the Nagoya Protocol.
9.1.4. Document indigenous and knowledge to support implementation of the Nagoya Protocol.
9.1.4. Document indigenous and knowledge to support implementation of the Nagoya Protocol.
9.1.5. Fulfil obligations under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA)
9.1.5. Fulfil obligations under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA)
9.1.5. Fulfil obligations under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA)
9.1.5. Fulfil obligations under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA)
9.1.5. Fulfil obligations under the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA)
9.2 Expand and diversify the wildlife economy to benefit species conservation.
9.2 Expand and diversify the wildlife economy to benefit species conservation.
9.2 Expand and diversify the wildlife economy to benefit species conservation.
9.2 Expand and diversify the wildlife economy to benefit species conservation.
9.2 Expand and diversify the wildlife economy to benefit species conservation.
9.2.1. Implement sustainable tourism where possible, and other wildlife-based incentives to conserve species and their habitats.
9.2.1. Implement sustainable tourism where possible, and other wildlife-based incentives to conserve species and their habitats.
9.2.1. Implement sustainable tourism where possible, and other wildlife-based incentives to conserve species and their habitats.
9.2.1. Implement sustainable tourism where possible, and other wildlife-based incentives to conserve species and their habitats.
9.2.1. Implement sustainable tourism where possible, and other wildlife-based incentives to conserve species and their habitats.
9.2.2. Ensure recreational hunting provides benefits for conservation and for local communities.
9.2.2. Ensure recreational hunting provides benefits for conservation and for local communities.
9.2.2. Ensure recreational hunting provides benefits for conservation and for local communities.
9.2.2. Ensure recreational hunting provides benefits for conservation and for local communities.
9.2.2. Ensure recreational hunting provides benefits for conservation and for local communities.
10.1. Reduce and reverse the negative impacts of intensive agriculture, aquaculture, forestry on species.
10.1. Reduce and reverse the negative impacts of intensive agriculture, aquaculture, forestry on species.
10.1. Reduce and reverse the negative impacts of intensive agriculture, aquaculture, forestry on species.
10.1. Reduce and reverse the negative impacts of intensive agriculture, aquaculture, forestry on species.
10.1. Reduce and reverse the negative impacts of intensive agriculture, aquaculture, forestry on species.
10.1.1. Prevent conversion of all sites and corridors important for species conservation.
10.1.1. Prevent conversion of all sites and corridors important for species conservation.
10.1.1. Prevent conversion of all sites and corridors important for species conservation.
10.1.1. Prevent conversion of all sites and corridors important for species conservation.
10.1.1. Prevent conversion of all sites and corridors important for species conservation.
10.1.2. Promote design of agricultural and other managed ecosystems to minimise fragmentation of remaining natural habitats.
10.1.2. Promote design of agricultural and other managed ecosystems to minimise fragmentation of remaining natural habitats.
10.1.2. Promote design of agricultural and other managed ecosystems to minimise fragmentation of remaining natural habitats.
10.1.2. Promote design of agricultural and other managed ecosystems to minimise fragmentation of remaining natural habitats.
10.1.2. Promote design of agricultural and other managed ecosystems to minimise fragmentation of remaining natural habitats.
10.1.3. Promote farming linked to the Wildlife Economy.
10.1.3. Promote farming linked to the Wildlife Economy.
10.1.3. Promote farming linked to the Wildlife Economy.
10.1.3. Promote farming linked to the Wildlife Economy.
10.1.3. Promote farming linked to the Wildlife Economy.
10.1.4. Incorporate key species considerations fully into agricultural, aquacultural and forestry certification schemes.
10.1.4. Incorporate key species considerations fully into agricultural, aquacultural and forestry certification schemes.
10.1.4. Incorporate key species considerations fully into agricultural, aquacultural and forestry certification schemes.
10.1.4. Incorporate key species considerations fully into agricultural, aquacultural and forestry certification schemes.
10.1.4. Incorporate key species considerations fully into agricultural, aquacultural and forestry certification schemes.
11.1. Maximise the benefits to species from Nature-based solutions.
11.1. Maximise the benefits to species from Nature-based solutions.
11.1. Maximise the benefits to species from Nature-based solutions.
11.1. Maximise the benefits to species from Nature-based solutions.
11.1. Maximise the benefits to species from Nature-based solutions.
11.1.1. Scale up NbS to strengthen ecosystem services, climate change resilience, and species viability.
11.1.1. Scale up NbS to strengthen ecosystem services, climate change resilience, and species viability.
11.1.1. Scale up NbS to strengthen ecosystem services, climate change resilience, and species viability.
11.1.1. Scale up NbS to strengthen ecosystem services, climate change resilience, and species viability.
11.1.1. Scale up NbS to strengthen ecosystem services, climate change resilience, and species viability.
11.1.2. Ensure IUCN SSC DRA Guidelines, manual, and training materials are kept up-to-date.
11.1.2. Ensure IUCN SSC DRA Guidelines, manual, and training materials are kept up-to-date.
11.1.2. Ensure IUCN SSC DRA Guidelines, manual, and training materials are kept up-to-date.
11.1.2. Ensure IUCN SSC DRA Guidelines, manual, and training materials are kept up-to-date.
11.1.2. Ensure IUCN SSC DRA Guidelines, manual, and training materials are kept up-to-date.
11.1.3. Provide expertise and training on DRA to countries that need it.
11.1.3. Provide expertise and training on DRA to countries that need it.
11.1.3. Provide expertise and training on DRA to countries that need it.
11.1.3. Provide expertise and training on DRA to countries that need it.
11.1.3. Provide expertise and training on DRA to countries that need it.
12.1. Manage green and blue spaces to maximise their value for species and connectivity.
12.1. Manage green and blue spaces to maximise their value for species and connectivity.
12.1. Manage green and blue spaces to maximise their value for species and connectivity.
12.1. Manage green and blue spaces to maximise their value for species and connectivity.
12.1. Manage green and blue spaces to maximise their value for species and connectivity.
12.1.1. Include native species conservation and habitat restoration in urban planning and development greening projects.
12.1.1. Include native species conservation and habitat restoration in urban planning and development greening projects.
12.1.1. Include native species conservation and habitat restoration in urban planning and development greening projects.
12.1.1. Include native species conservation and habitat restoration in urban planning and development greening projects.
12.1.1. Include native species conservation and habitat restoration in urban planning and development greening projects.
12.1.2. Promote green infrastructure and eco-gardening to benefit species in all education institutions and private households (pollinator- friendly gardening, eco-school gardens).
12.1.2. Promote green infrastructure and eco-gardening to benefit species in all education institutions and private households (pollinator- friendly gardening, eco-school gardens).
12.1.2. Promote green infrastructure and eco-gardening to benefit species in all education institutions and private households (pollinator- friendly gardening, eco-school gardens).
12.1.2. Promote green infrastructure and eco-gardening to benefit species in all education institutions and private households (pollinator- friendly gardening, eco-school gardens).
12.1.2. Promote green infrastructure and eco-gardening to benefit species in all education institutions and private households (pollinator- friendly gardening, eco-school gardens).
13.1. Share the benefits from use of genetic resources equitably among all users.
13.1. Share the benefits from use of genetic resources equitably among all users.
13.1. Share the benefits from use of genetic resources equitably among all users.
13.1. Share the benefits from use of genetic resources equitably among all users.
13.1. Share the benefits from use of genetic resources equitably among all users.
13.2. Apply and accredit ILK where appropriate to secure engagement in species conservation.
13.2. Apply and accredit ILK where appropriate to secure engagement in species conservation.
13.2. Apply and accredit ILK where appropriate to secure engagement in species conservation.
13.2. Apply and accredit ILK where appropriate to secure engagement in species conservation.
13.2. Apply and accredit ILK where appropriate to secure engagement in species conservation.
13.3. Safeguard all crop wild relatives through inclusion in seed banks and culture collections.
13.3. Safeguard all crop wild relatives through inclusion in seed banks and culture collections.
13.3. Safeguard all crop wild relatives through inclusion in seed banks and culture collections.
13.3. Safeguard all crop wild relatives through inclusion in seed banks and culture collections.
13.3. Safeguard all crop wild relatives through inclusion in seed banks and culture collections.
13.4. Halt the erosion of genetic diversity of wild relatives of domesticated animals, plants, and fungi.
13.4. Halt the erosion of genetic diversity of wild relatives of domesticated animals, plants, and fungi.
13.4. Halt the erosion of genetic diversity of wild relatives of domesticated animals, plants, and fungi.
13.4. Halt the erosion of genetic diversity of wild relatives of domesticated animals, plants, and fungi.
13.4. Halt the erosion of genetic diversity of wild relatives of domesticated animals, plants, and fungi.
14.1. Incorporate species values into whole-government policy and national accounting systems.
14.1. Incorporate species values into whole-government policy and national accounting systems.
14.1. Incorporate species values into whole-government policy and national accounting systems.
14.1. Incorporate species values into whole-government policy and national accounting systems.
14.1. Incorporate species values into whole-government policy and national accounting systems.
14.2. Reflect fully the ambitions of GBF Targets for species, relevant obligations under other MEAs and the GSAP when updating NBSAPs.
14.2. Reflect fully the ambitions of GBF Targets for species, relevant obligations under other MEAs and the GSAP when updating NBSAPs.
14.2. Reflect fully the ambitions of GBF Targets for species, relevant obligations under other MEAs and the GSAP when updating NBSAPs.
14.2. Reflect fully the ambitions of GBF Targets for species, relevant obligations under other MEAs and the GSAP when updating NBSAPs.
14.2. Reflect fully the ambitions of GBF Targets for species, relevant obligations under other MEAs and the GSAP when updating NBSAPs.
14.3. Integrate the principle of No Net Loss or Net Positive Impact for biodiversity into development and planning policy affecting species.
14.3. Integrate the principle of No Net Loss or Net Positive Impact for biodiversity into development and planning policy affecting species.
14.3. Integrate the principle of No Net Loss or Net Positive Impact for biodiversity into development and planning policy affecting species.
14.3. Integrate the principle of No Net Loss or Net Positive Impact for biodiversity into development and planning policy affecting species.
14.3. Integrate the principle of No Net Loss or Net Positive Impact for biodiversity into development and planning policy affecting species.
14.4. Conduct strategic environmental assessments and environmental and social impact assessments for all major developments thoroughly and transparently to take account of species conservation.
14.4. Conduct strategic environmental assessments and environmental and social impact assessments for all major developments thoroughly and transparently to take account of species conservation.
14.4. Conduct strategic environmental assessments and environmental and social impact assessments for all major developments thoroughly and transparently to take account of species conservation.
14.4. Conduct strategic environmental assessments and environmental and social impact assessments for all major developments thoroughly and transparently to take account of species conservation.
14.4. Conduct strategic environmental assessments and environmental and social impact assessments for all major developments thoroughly and transparently to take account of species conservation.
14.5. Ensure removal of barriers to rights-based voluntary family planning.
14.5. Ensure removal of barriers to rights-based voluntary family planning.
14.5. Ensure removal of barriers to rights-based voluntary family planning.
14.5. Ensure removal of barriers to rights-based voluntary family planning.
14.5. Ensure removal of barriers to rights-based voluntary family planning.
15.1. Apply all international standards to production and supply chains to ensure use of species is sustainable.
15.1. Apply all international standards to production and supply chains to ensure use of species is sustainable.
15.1. Apply all international standards to production and supply chains to ensure use of species is sustainable.
15.1. Apply all international standards to production and supply chains to ensure use of species is sustainable.
15.1. Apply all international standards to production and supply chains to ensure use of species is sustainable.
15.2. Redesign agricultural production systems to minimize negative impacts, and maximize positive impacts on species.
15.2. Redesign agricultural production systems to minimize negative impacts, and maximize positive impacts on species.
15.2. Redesign agricultural production systems to minimize negative impacts, and maximize positive impacts on species.
15.2. Redesign agricultural production systems to minimize negative impacts, and maximize positive impacts on species.
15.2. Redesign agricultural production systems to minimize negative impacts, and maximize positive impacts on species.
15.3. Ensure all natural inputs (timber, non-timber wild plants and fungi, fish and other aquatic species, commercially traded fauna species) are obtained from certified sources.
15.3. Ensure all natural inputs (timber, non-timber wild plants and fungi, fish and other aquatic species, commercially traded fauna species) are obtained from certified sources.
15.3. Ensure all natural inputs (timber, non-timber wild plants and fungi, fish and other aquatic species, commercially traded fauna species) are obtained from certified sources.