World Database on Key Biodiversity Areas

KBAs are sites ‘contributing significantly to the global persistence of biodiversity in terrestrial, freshwater, and marine ecosystems’. The KBA Partnership is composed of 13 leading international organizations including IUCN. It maintains a KBA Committee, KBA secretariat, a KBA Technical Working Group, a KBA Community, a KBA Consultative Forum, and the World Database of Key Biodiversity Areas. An independent KBA Standards and Appeals Committee is established under the authority of the elected SSC and WCPA Chairs. The KBA Global Standard lists the criteria for identification of KBAs. There are five criteria and 11 subcriteria all with quantitative thresholds. KBAs are identified on the basis of ecosystems or species.

KBAs can be identified by a KBA National Coordination Group (KBA NCG). If an individual or small group has an interest in proposing a KBA in a country with an existing KBA NCG they are encouraged to work with that KBA NCG to make the proposal. Where a KBA NCG has not yet been established, proposers are encouraged to consider helping form such a group but if that is not possible they can put together a proposal for a site and submit it directly. KBAs should be reviewed and updated nationally every 8-12 years to also confirm they still meet KBA status for the species or ecosystems that trigger KBA status for the site. The KBA identification process is inclusive, consultative and nationally driven. Anyone with appropriate data may propose a site as a KBA, although consultation with relevant stakeholders at the local and national level is required when identifying the site and needs to be documented in the proposal. A proposer must apply the KBA criteria to data on biodiversity elements (species and ecosystems) at the site and delineate the site clearly. The formal proposal is then made through a process that ensures independent review before a site is incorporated in the World Database of KBAs.

How to use