
Do you have surplus plant material you would like to back-up or share with other botanical gardens?

PlantShare facilitates the exchange of living plant material (cuttings, seeds, whole plants, pollen, etc.) between botanic gardens, to facilitate backing up of important collections, share material between institutions, and use valuable material for conservation purposes.

Data contained in PlantShare is provided and managed by bona fide institutions that participate in GardenSearch. BGCI encourages responsible exchange of plant material.

PlantShare features include:

  • search and filter facilities such as: scientific name, family, garden, accession details or compliance regulations
  • ability to set expiration date per listing
  • bulk upload function and checks for data standards and default values
  • taxon names checked against references
  • message mechanisms between donor and requesting gardens
  • the ability to create a request list with more than one person in your organisation