
BGCI’s PlantSearch is a globally unique tool for accessing and sharing information about living collections maintained by botanic gardens and similar organisations. PlantSearch connects living botanical collections to conservationists, educators, horticulturists, researchers, policy makers and many others who are working to save and understand plant diversity.

PlantSearch includes taxon-level data from over 1,100 collections of living/viable plants, seeds, pollen, and tissues, located around the world. Data is provided and managed by staff at individual organisations. BGCI welcomes garden staff to register as an Editor to review and update their collection’s PlantSearch information on an annual basis.

Use PlantSearch to

  • Locate and connect with taxa and collections of interest.
  • Identify global and regional trends in botanic garden ex situ conservation capacity.
  • Get your organisation on its way to achieving BGCI Accreditation.
  • Identify botanic garden progress toward implementation of the Global Biodiversity Framework, the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (GSPC), and other relevant international policies.