IUCN resolution 079: Linking in situ and ex situ efforts to save threatened species

As of February 2020, 73 species were considered Extinct in the Wild, and 6,413 were classified as Critically Endangered on the 2019 IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. The status of a number of these species is in part due to a failure to intervene with emergency action early enough in their decline, as preventing extinction is more likely when efforts are initiated before a species is reduced to a small number of individuals.

The Species Survival Commission’s (SSC) adoption of the One Plan Approach and the provision of technical advice summarised in IUCN Species Survival Commission Guidelines on the Use of Ex situ Management for Species Conservation, encourage deliberative science-based processes of action-plan development by all responsible parties for all populations of a species across the spectrum of management, and provide practical guidance on evaluating the suitability and requirements of an ex situ component for achieving species-conservation objectives, among others.

In 2020, the IUCN World Conservation Congress passed a resolution promoting the integration of in situ (within a species’ natural habitat) and ex situ (in human care outside a species’ natural habitat) conservation interventions by applying the One Plan Approach.