Supporting transboundary dialogue on Marine Spatial Planning towards a sustainable blue economy for the Western Mediterranean

Supporting transboundary dialogue on Marine Spatial Planning towards a sustainable blue economy for the Western Mediterranean

This solution is part of the MSPglobal Initiative, designed to support the “Joint Roadmap to accelerate Marine Spatial Planning processes worldwide (MSProadmap)”, adopted by IOC-UNESCO and the European Commission and in line with the SDG 14 of the 2030 Agenda.


More specifically, this solution aimed to assist its beneficiary countries in generating approaches, tools and actions at transboundary level to contribute to coherent MSP plans in the Western Mediterranean. 


The Western Mediterranean is under intense pressures deriving from increasing coastal development and maritime activities. Therefore, MSP and sustainable blue economy are crucial policies to address these challenges. Institutional capacities were reinforced, technical tools were developed, and transboundary dialogue was coordinated, resulting in a regional roadmap for transboundary MSP and sustainable blue economy.


MSPglobal was co-financed by the European Maritime and Fisheries Fund of the European Union.