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Plan de acción para la conservación de la cotorra cabeciamarilla (Amazona barbadensis) en toda su área de distribución 2022-2031
La cotorra cabeciamarilla (Amazona barbadensis) es una de las pocas especie dentro del género Amazona adaptada a vivir en ambientes áridos y semiáridos. El plan de acción para la conservación de la cotorra cabeciamarilla (2022-2031) es el primer plan de acción para toda su área de distribución, convirtiéndose en un importante documento que contiene el accionar con la especie durante los próximos diez años, con la identificación de los responsables y posibles colaboradores. En este documento se han incluido acciones que se han venido realizando, así como nuevas acciones que también serán beneficiosas para la conservación de la especie, dentro de las cuales destacan acciones enfocadas en generar condiciones para la reintroducción de la especie en Aruba.
Relevancia cultural y espiritual de la naturaleza
Estas directrices ofrecen un enfoque hacia la creación de un papel prominente y apropiado para la relevancia cultural y espiritual de la naturaleza dentro de la gobernanza y la gestión de las áreas protegidas y conservadas. Intentan superar algunas de las dificultades causadas por los objetivos contradictorios a la hora de comprometerse con la cultura en el contexto de la conservación de la naturaleza. Lo hacen reconociendo la diversidad global de visiones del mundo, sistemas de gobernanza, religiones y lenguas que conforman las diferentes formas de entender la naturaleza.
Global Species Action Plan (Arabic version)
The Global Species Action Plan (GSAP) is a critical initiative developed to support the implementation of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework (GBF), to address the increasing biodiversity loss worldwide. The GSAP outlines strategic interventions and actions to conserve and sustainably manage species while ensuring equitable benefits. Emphasizing the critical role of species in ecosystem stability, human livelihoods, and cultural heritage, the GSAP seeks to prevent extinctions, reduce threats, and ensure equitable benefits from species use. Implementation involves diverse stakeholders, including governments, Indigenous peoples and Local communities, NGOs, academia, and businesses, fostering cooperation at global, regional, and local levels. The GSAP underscores the collective responsibility to safeguard Earth’s rich biological heritage for future generations.
The global status of sharks, rays, and chimaeras
In the 20 years since the IUCN SSC Shark Specialist Group’s first status report (2005), much has changed for sharks, rays and chimaeras. This report updates our understanding, and the scope of information reflects the scale of these two decades of change. The breadth of research topics has expanded, mirroring the inclusion of a greater diversity of species, and attention is being trained on the emerging threats and the accelerating global changes to aquatic ecosystems. The 2005 report heralded a sea change for sharks, rays and chimaeras, whose historical obscurity in policy, conservation and fisheries management was a serious concern. In this report, the increased focus that was called for is now apparent in the scale of work happening across the planet.
Unselective, unsustainable, and unmonitored trawl fisheries?
In 2016, the term UUU (unselective, unsustainable and unmonitored) fishing was developed and a Resolution of the World Conservation Congress, adopted by Members, tasked IUCN’s Species Survival Commission with reporting on the concept. The resulting situation analysis utilises the trawl fisheries of China, Thailand and Vietnam to explore how some of the issues associated with UUU fishing can be linked back to these three elements. The report found considerable variation in each component of UUU across the case study countries but that uncontrolled fishery development resulting in excess fishing capacity is commonly a root cause, leaving long standing impacts which have proven very challenging to solve. Whilst the report does not provide recommendations for action, it does identify 14 areas where further work would help accelerate progress on sustainable use, the protection of species of conservation concern and help safeguard the marine ecosystem.
Monitoring biodiversity after oil spill remediation in the Niger Delta
The Niger Delta region of Nigeria is facing severe environmental challenges due to widespread oil extraction activities, resulting in recurring oil spills and adverse effects on biodiversity, ecosystem services and livelihoods. This report documents the implementation of protocols of the IUCN Niger Delta Biodiversity Technical Advisory Group (BTAG) on two impacted sites at Adibawa Well 8 S/L wellhead in Joinkrama, Rivers State, and Adibawa North-East 1 wellhead in Tien Biseni, Bayelsa State, both located in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. The innovative approach of BTAG integrates eDNA analysis with traditional field sampling to enhance the monitoring strategies, offering a more comprehensive understanding of ecological recovery.
Explorando el futuro de los aceites vegetales
El informe hace hincapié en la importancia de respetar y apoyar los derechos de los pequeños agricultores y los sistemas locales de producción de aceite por sus resultados socioeconómicos positivos y su contribución a la seguridad alimentaria. El informe reconoce que dentro de cada sistema de aceite vegetal hay tanto actores como resultados buenos y malos, e insta a adoptar una perspectiva matizada. Se recomienda un enfoque sistémico para abordar eficazmente los distintos retos. Entre el público objetivo figuran gobiernos, comerciantes, asociaciones de agricultores y procesadores, que desempeñan un papel crucial en la realización de sistemas aceiteros sostenibles.
Cercocebus and Mandrillus conservation action plan 2024–2028
Collectively, Cercocebus and Mandrillus include nine species and two subspecies of African monkeys: seven species of Cercocebus and two of Mandrillus, including two drill subspecies. Together, they represent some of the least studied and hence least known of the Afro-Eurasian Primates. This Plan includes taxon-specific conservation actions, devised under six overarching themes: increase engagement and local livelihood support, reduce knowledge gaps, promote habitat restoration, raise the profile of Cercocebus and Mandrillus taxa, enhance protection, and respond to public health needs for the neighboring human populations. The Plan aimes to raise the profile of the Cercocebus and Mandrillus species, encourage collaboration amongst conservation practitioners, local communities, government agencies, and other invested parties, and ultimately prevent the extinction of some of the most amazing primate species on the planet.