IWC Scientific Committee work on cetacean DNA

As genetic data are frequently applied to give advice to the IWC (including, but not limited to, detection of population structure), there is a need to agree on data quality criteria for currently used DNA marker types (sequences, microsatellites, Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs); possibly nuclear DNA sequencing in the future). The guidelines and considerations on DNA quality provided here represent common practice subject to ongoing discussion and will need future adaptation, as the state-of-the-art of DNA analysis in population genetics progresses.

It is also evident that, although accordance to these guidelines is highly desirable, this does not preclude consideration of genetic work failing to fully meet these standards. Nonetheless, the issues raised below are intended to assist Scientific Committee members in judging the respective reliability of information from genetic studies. In addition, for studies explicitly carried out to give stock definition advice to the IWC, adherence to these guidelines is strongly recommended.