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Explorando el futuro de los aceites vegetales
El informe hace hincapié en la importancia de respetar y apoyar los derechos de los pequeños agricultores y los sistemas locales de producción de aceite por sus resultados socioeconómicos positivos y su contribución a la seguridad alimentaria. El informe reconoce que dentro de cada sistema de aceite vegetal hay tanto actores como resultados buenos y malos, e insta a adoptar una perspectiva matizada. Se recomienda un enfoque sistémico para abordar eficazmente los distintos retos. Entre el público objetivo figuran gobiernos, comerciantes, asociaciones de agricultores y procesadores, que desempeñan un papel crucial en la realización de sistemas aceiteros sostenibles.
Building trust between rangers and communities
This is the first volume in the WCPA Good Practice Guidelines that is predominantly by rangers, for rangers. The editors worked with partners to collect good practices and stories from rangers worldwide, reflecting global experience and lessons learned. The text focuses on actions that rangers, and to a lesser extent managers, can do themselves. It does not address institutional changes that would need intervention at government level. Whilst the latter are often necessary, decisions are out of the hands of individual rangers. Nor is the guide the last word on the state of play, another global ranger survey is being carried out simultaneously with the production of these guidelines and we will continue to learn about ranger needs, strengths and challenges in the future.
Guidelines for the application of IUCN Red List of Ecosystems Categories and Criteria : version 2.0
The IUCN Red List of Ecosystems is the global standard for ecosystem risk assessment and a framework for monitoring the status of the world’s ecosystems. It is part of the growing toolbox for assessing risks to biodiversity and aims to support conservation, resource use and management decisions by identifying ecosystems most at risk of biodiversity loss. By targeting a level of biological organisation above species, the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems complements The IUCN Red List of Threatened Species™ in supporting biodiversity conservation decision-making and action. The IUCN Red List of Ecosystems Categories and Criteria are designed to be widely applicable across ecosystem types and geographical areas, transparent and scientifically rigorous, and easily understood by policy makers and the public.
Nature (covering the water, biodiversity, soil/land, and air/climate realms) continues to decline with significant negative impacts on society. Businesses need to understand their impacts and dependencies on nature, manage their nature-related risks and embed the value of nature into their decision making to identify and implement opportunities that contribute towards the nature-positive global goal. Achieving nature-positive requires collective action across sectors, value chains and landscapes. Fundamentally, nature-positive represents a systemic and transformative shift rather than ‘re-shaping’ of current practices. Utilising prioritisation approaches can enable businesses to identify areas where they can have a material and meaningful contribution from the outset as systemic and transformative change is adopted through the business.
Nature (covering the water, biodiversity, soil/land, and air/climate realms) continues to decline with significant negative impacts on society. Businesses need to understand their impacts and dependencies on nature, manage their nature-related risks and embed the value of nature into their decision making to identify and implement opportunities that contribute towards the nature-positive global goal. Achieving nature-positive requires collective action across sectors, value chains and landscapes. Fundamentally, nature-positive represents a systemic and transformative shift rather than ‘re-shaping’ of current practices. Utilising prioritisation approaches can enable businesses to identify areas where they can have a material and meaningful contribution from the outset as systemic and transformative change is adopted through the business.
Le positif pour la nature pour les entreprises
La nature (l’eau, la biodiversité, les sols et l’air/le climat) continue de décliner, ce qui a des impacts négatifs considérables sur la société. Les entreprises doivent comprendre leurs impacts sur la nature et leurs dépendances envers elle, gérer leurs risques naturels et intégrer la valeur de la nature dans leur processus décisionnel pour repérer et mettre en oeuvre les occasions contribuant à la réalisation de l’objectif mondial positif pour la nature. Fondamentalement, le positif pour la nature représente un changement systémique et transformateur plutôt qu’un « remodelage » des pratiques actuelles. Le recours à des méthodes d’établissement des priorités peut permettre aux entreprises de cibler des domaines où elles peuvent apporter une contribution importante et significative dès le début de l’adoption d’un changement systémique et transformateur au sein de l’entreprise.
Naturaleza positiva para las empresas
La naturaleza (en los ámbitos del agua, la biodiversidad, la tierra/suelo y el aire/clima) sigue disminuyendo, con importantes repercusiones negativas para la sociedad. Las empresas deben comprender su impacto y su dependencia respecto a la naturaleza, gestionar los riesgos relacionados con ella e integrar el valor de la naturaleza en su toma de decisiones para identificar y aplicar oportunidades que contribuyan al objetivo global de una naturaleza positiva. Fundamentalmente, naturaleza positiva representa un cambio sistémico y transformador más que una «reformulación» de las prácticas actuales. El uso de enfoques de priorización puede permitir a las empresas identificar áreas en las que pueden tener una contribución material y significativa desde el principio, a medida que se adopta el cambio sistémico y transformador a lo largo de la empresa.
Руководство и методическое пособие по оценке воздействия в контексте Всемирного наследия
As the World Heritage Convention celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2022, over 1100 sites around the world are recognized as World Heritage – places that are so valuable to humanity that there conservation has been deemed our collective responsibility. Yet many of these exceptional places face increasing pressure from diverse types of development projects within and around the sites. Assessing the impacts of such projects is essential to both prevent damage to World Heritage and identify sustainable options. This Guidance and toolkit explains the process for achieving these goals. Offering practical tips and tools including checklists and a glossary, it provides a framework for conducting impact assessments for cultural and natural heritage sites.
Wytyczne i zestaw narzędzi do ocen oddziaływania w kontekście światowego dziedzictwa
As the World Heritage Convention celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2022, over 1100 sites around the world are recognized as World Heritage – places that are so valuable to humanity that there conservation has been deemed our collective responsibility. Yet many of these exceptional places face increasing pressure from diverse types of development projects within and around the sites. Assessing the impacts of such projects is essential to both prevent damage to World Heritage and identify sustainable options. This Guidance and toolkit explains the process for achieving these goals. Offering practical tips and tools including checklists and a glossary, it provides a framework for conducting impact assessments for cultural and natural heritage sites.
Водич и прирачник за оцени на влијанието во контекст на светското наследство
As the World Heritage Convention celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2022, over 1100 sites around the world are recognized as World Heritage – places that are so valuable to humanity that there conservation has been deemed our collective responsibility. Yet many of these exceptional places face increasing pressure from diverse types of development projects within and around the sites. Assessing the impacts of such projects is essential to both prevent damage to World Heritage and identify sustainable options. This Guidance and toolkit explains the process for achieving these goals. Offering practical tips and tools including checklists and a glossary, it provides a framework for conducting impact assessments for cultural and natural heritage sites.