Establishing a team of Community Rangers to improve the management and protection of Rugezi Marsh, Rwanda.

Establishing a team of Community Rangers to improve the management and protection of Rugezi Marsh, Rwanda.

Rugezi Marsh once hosted the largest population of endangered Grey Crowned Cranes in Rwanda, but numbers had rapidly declined due to illegal poaching and habitat disturbance. In 2014, RWCA implemented an innovative approach at the Ramsar protected marsh, targeting the problem from all angles to ensure a sustainable impact. Establishing a team of Rangers recruited from the communities living next to the marsh helped to involve communities in protecting their wetland, learn about ecosystem services from which they can benefit, create ownership and provide job opportunities. The team has increased to 54 members, including 22 women, covering all 8 Sectors around the marsh. The Rangers conduct daily patrols to educate fellow community members, raise awareness, report illegal activities, and monitor and protect crane populations and breeding sites. They work in close collaboration with local leaders (for law enforcement) and organise joint patrol exercises with local stakeholders to raise awareness of the work and the challenges.