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Site-level tool for identifying other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) : first edition (Khmer version)
Other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) are sites outside protected areas that deliver effective and long-term in situ conservation of biodiversity. Biodiversity conservation may be the primary objective of the site, a secondary objective of a site that is managed for other purposes, or it may be an unintended consequence of the way the site is managed. OECMs may be governed and managed by governments, private entities or Indigenous peoples and local communities, or a combination of these. This tool guides an assessor through three steps to apply eight criteria which determine if a site qualifies as an OECM as set out under the Convention on Biological Diversity. For sites which do not currently meet all the criteria, the tool serves to highlight areas where further information or improvements in governance and management are required.
Plan de acción para la conservación de la cotorra cabeciamarilla (Amazona barbadensis) en toda su área de distribución 2022-2031
La cotorra cabeciamarilla (Amazona barbadensis) es una de las pocas especie dentro del género Amazona adaptada a vivir en ambientes áridos y semiáridos. El plan de acción para la conservación de la cotorra cabeciamarilla (2022-2031) es el primer plan de acción para toda su área de distribución, convirtiéndose en un importante documento que contiene el accionar con la especie durante los próximos diez años, con la identificación de los responsables y posibles colaboradores. En este documento se han incluido acciones que se han venido realizando, así como nuevas acciones que también serán beneficiosas para la conservación de la especie, dentro de las cuales destacan acciones enfocadas en generar condiciones para la reintroducción de la especie en Aruba.
Relevancia cultural y espiritual de la naturaleza
Estas directrices ofrecen un enfoque hacia la creación de un papel prominente y apropiado para la relevancia cultural y espiritual de la naturaleza dentro de la gobernanza y la gestión de las áreas protegidas y conservadas. Intentan superar algunas de las dificultades causadas por los objetivos contradictorios a la hora de comprometerse con la cultura en el contexto de la conservación de la naturaleza. Lo hacen reconociendo la diversidad global de visiones del mundo, sistemas de gobernanza, religiones y lenguas que conforman las diferentes formas de entender la naturaleza.
Guidance on other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs)
The Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework, adopted in 2022, provides a framework for the effective implementation of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) through four goals and 23 targets. Target 3 (known as the ‘30×30 target’) calls on Parties to conserve at least 30% of terrestrial, inland waters, and coastal and marine areas by 2030. These guidelines are designed to promote good practices relating to identifying, reporting, monitoring and strengthening OECMs. They are intended for use by a wide range of rightsholders and stakeholders to promote understanding of whether a site meets the CBD criteria for identifying an OECM, how to report OECM data at the national and global levels, and how to monitor and strengthen OECMs.
Инструмент для локального выявления прочих эффективных зональных природоохранных мер (ОЕСМ) : Первое издание
Other effective area-based conservation measures (OECMs) are sites outside protected areas that deliver effective and long-term in situ conservation of biodiversity. Biodiversity conservation may be the primary objective of the site, a secondary objective of a site that is managed for other purposes, or it may be an unintended consequence of the way the site is managed. OECMs may be governed and managed by governments, private entities or Indigenous peoples and local communities, or a combination of these. This tool guides an assessor through three steps to apply eight criteria which determine if a site qualifies as an OECM as set out under the Convention on Biological Diversity. For sites which do not currently meet all the criteria, the tool serves to highlight areas where further information or improvements in governance and management are required.
Designing and managing protected and conserved areas to support inland water ecosystems and biodiversity
Inland waters – such as rivers, lakes and other wetlands – are among the most biodiverse ecosystems on the planet. They are also the most threatened; almost one in three species is at risk of extinction and monitored populations of freshwater species have declined by 85% since 1970. The loss of these ecosystems has cascading effects on human livelihoods, cultures and our overall well-being. While protected and conserved areas can play an important role in bending the curve of inland water biodiversity and ecosystem loss, they have rarely been designed, designated, and managed for that purpose. Motivated by the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework’s inclusion of inland waters in the target to conserve 30% of the planet by 2030, this report provides guidance in employing protected areas and other effective area-based conservation measures to benefit these ecosystems and the biodiversity they support. Through a series of case studies and synthesized research, it highlights how integrating the unique needs of inland waters into area-based strategies can improve conservation effectiveness across all realms, build climate resilience and sustain critical ecosystem services.
Explorando el futuro de los aceites vegetales
El informe hace hincapié en la importancia de respetar y apoyar los derechos de los pequeños agricultores y los sistemas locales de producción de aceite por sus resultados socioeconómicos positivos y su contribución a la seguridad alimentaria. El informe reconoce que dentro de cada sistema de aceite vegetal hay tanto actores como resultados buenos y malos, e insta a adoptar una perspectiva matizada. Se recomienda un enfoque sistémico para abordar eficazmente los distintos retos. Entre el público objetivo figuran gobiernos, comerciantes, asociaciones de agricultores y procesadores, que desempeñan un papel crucial en la realización de sistemas aceiteros sostenibles.
Building trust between rangers and communities
This is the first volume in the WCPA Good Practice Guidelines that is predominantly by rangers, for rangers. The editors worked with partners to collect good practices and stories from rangers worldwide, reflecting global experience and lessons learned. The text focuses on actions that rangers, and to a lesser extent managers, can do themselves. It does not address institutional changes that would need intervention at government level. Whilst the latter are often necessary, decisions are out of the hands of individual rangers. Nor is the guide the last word on the state of play, another global ranger survey is being carried out simultaneously with the production of these guidelines and we will continue to learn about ranger needs, strengths and challenges in the future.
Recognising territories and areas conserved by Indigenous peoples and local communities (ICCAs) overlapped by protected areas
Many protected areas worldwide overlap with ‘territories and areas conserved by Indigenous peoples and local communities’ or ‘ICCAs’ (Indigenous peoples’ and community conserved areas’). These overlapped ICCAs include conserved commons, sacred places and Indigenous and community protected areas. Appropriately recognising and respecting overlapped ICCAs in protected area governance, management and practice can strengthen conservation, affirm rights and promote equitable protected area governance. This volume identifies six approaches or pathways and provides guidance on implementing 20 good practices for appropriately recognizing, respecting and supporting overlapped ICCAs in existing, new and expanded protected areas of all governance types and management categories.