Creating sustainable partnerships and financing for the Kanha Pench Corridor (KPC)

Creating sustainable partnerships and financing for the Kanha Pench Corridor (KPC)

Kanha Pench Corridor (KPC) is a vital ecosystem spread on 9,000 sq km, linking two Protected Areas (PA) – Tiger Reserves of Kanha (60-80 Tigers) and Pench (40-50 Tigers). The KPC is a mix of PA, non-PAs, revenue and private lands and provides livelihood to over half a million indigenous people who reside within it. It also provides services like regulating hydrology and sequestering carbon. Over recent decades, the KPC has faced severe fragmentation/degradation due to anthropogenic activities and climate change. In 2010 RBS Foundation India (RBS FI) began working in the KPC and over time realized that collaboration and pooling resources was pivotal to ensure the long term well-being of KPC and its dependent communities. RBS FI took a leading role in bringing the key stakeholders (government+ civil societies) together on the same platform and ensured sufficient resources (USD 10 mill, inc. USD 2.56 mill from Adaptation Fund) for KPC.