ASEAN Handbook on Legal Cooperation to Combat the Illegal Wildlife Trade

The ASEAN Handbook on Legal Cooperation to Combat Illegal Wildlife Trade 2021 is one of the key deliverables for ASEAN Cooperation in Forestry 2021 and SOM-AMAF’s cooperation in Food, Agriculture and Forestry in 2021. The handbook is also an update of the ASEAN Handbook on Legal Cooperation to Combat Illegal Wildlife 2016 which aims to provide law and policy makers criminal justice officials, and law enforcement officials from the ASEAN region with a strategic approach to deploying an arsenal of hard and soft laws and other associated tools for the prosecution of wildlife crimes. In addition to providing updates and enhancements reflecting legislative and policy changes since 2016, the updated Handbook will incorporate relevant information and policy guidelines on zoonotic diseases and COVID-19, reflecting a One Health Approach, which is the convergence of environmental, animal, and human health, in the context of the illegal wildlife trade.