Agroforestry for Sustainable Livelihoods and Community Transformation (STAY Trees)
The Stay Trees Project (2024) focused on promoting reforestation and sustainable agroforestry across Luwero, Mbale, Busia, and Kapchorwa districts. Each location established one nursery, enabling the production of 96,423 seedlings, with 73,867 trees planted by 425 farmers, achieving an average 80% survival rate. Through Good Agroforestry Practices (GAP) training, 414 farmers gained skills in tree planting, management, and crop integration for sustainable incomed for the adopting farmers, ultimately ensuring long-term forest cover and environmental restoration. To support tree survival and farmer engagement, top-performing farmers were awarded cash crops like soya beans and groundnuts, providing short-term incomes while maintaining focus on tree preservation. The nurseries ensured quality seedlings, enhancing tree resilience in the field. The project successfully contributed to afforestation, increased forest cover, and environmental sustainability, while fostering improved farmer livelihoods and community participation.