AEWA International Review the Stage of Preparation and Implementation of Species Action Plans

According to Paragraph 7.4 of the AEWA Action Plan the Agreement Secretariat, in coordination with the Technical Committee and the Parties, shall prepare a series of international reviews necessary for the implementation of the Action Plan, including, inter alia, a Review on the stage of preparation and implementation of Single Species Action Plans. The first such review was presented at MOP4 in 2008.

Due to lack of voluntary funding contributions, the compilation of a full review was not possible for MOP6. The AEWA Secretariat has, however, conducted a limited review of the implementation of eight of the 20 International Single Species Action and Management Plans adopted under the Agreement to date. Information from Range States on the implementation of plans was collected through questionnaires prepared and distributed by the AEWA International Species Working and Expert Group Coordinators. The main conclusions and recommendations are further reflected in the Draft Resolution on the Adoption and Implementation of International Single species and Multi-species Action and Management Plans (AEWA/MOP6 DR6.8).

In addition to the review on the status of implementation of Action and Management Plans, the Secretariat has compiled an overview of the current action- and management planning process under the Agreement, including the AEWA International Species Working and Expert Group framework developed to coordinate their international implementation.