9.1. Asegurar mecanismos de distribución de beneficios plenamente equitativos a través de la legislación y las regulaciones apropiadas.
9.1.1. Proporcionar a los pueblos indígenas y las comunidades locales los derechos e incentivos legales apropiados para proteger, gestionar y utilizar las especies de manera sostenible.Indigenous and local knowledge holdersCommunity organisationsNational governmentsIUCN SSC Specialist GroupsMultilateral Environmental AgreementsTRAFFICCollaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife ManagementFood and Agriculture OrganizationInternational Institute for Environment and Development
9.1.2. Asignar cuotas de captura sostenible de manera equitativa y transparente.
9.1.3. Garantizar ingresos equitativos para los PI y las CL por el uso y comercio de especies a través de regulaciones o legislación.Indigenous and local knowledge holdersCommunity organisationsNational governmentsIUCN SSC Specialist GroupsMultilateral Environmental AgreementsTRAFFICCollaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife ManagementFood and Agriculture OrganizationInternational Institute for Environment and Development
9.1.4. Documentar el conocimiento indígena para apoyar la implementación del Protocolo de Nagoya.Indigenous and local knowledge holdersCommunity organisationsNational governmentsIUCN SSC Specialist GroupsMultilateral Environmental AgreementsTRAFFICCollaborative Partnership on Sustainable Wildlife ManagementFood and Agriculture OrganizationInternational Institute for Environment and Development
9.1.5. Cumplir con las obligaciones del Tratado Internacional sobre los Recursos Fitogenéticos para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (TIRFAA).
Primary tools and resources
International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA)
The Treaty was developed by FAO. The objectives of the Treaty are the conservation and sustainable use of all plant genetic resources for food security and agriculture, and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits arising out of their use. The Treaty puts 64 of the most important crops that together account for 80% of the food derived from plants into an easily accessible global pool of genetic resources that is freely available to potential users in the Treaty’s ratifying nations for some uses. The Treaty ensures that access to genetic resources already protected by international property rights is consistent with international and national laws.
How to use
The Treaty and further information can be accessed at: https://www.fao.org/plant-treaty/en/
The capacity development strategy of the international treaty 2023–2030 are available at: https://www.fao.org/3/nk298en/nk298en.pdf