6.1. Enact strategies, policies, and legislation to reduce impacts of invasive alien species on native species.
6.1.1. Develop and implement National Invasive Species Strategies and Action Plans (NISSAP).
6.1.2. Enact legislation and policies to control and manage IAS, pathways of introduction, and banning the import, possession, or breeding of priority IAS.
6.1.3. Produce technical guidance on development of legislation, policy and strategies addressing IAS.
6.1.4. Identify IAS that have the most harmful impacts on species and sites that are the most vulnerable to IAS.
6.1.5. Develop and implement private sector standards and guidance for the control of IAS, and management of their impacts.
6.1.6. Maintain and update the Global Invasive Species Database.
Primary tools and resources
Global invasive species database (GISD)
The Global Invasive Species Database (GISD) is a free source of information about invasive alien species. It covers all taxonomic groups from micro-organisms to animals and plants, in all ecosystems. The GISD aims to increase public awareness about introduced species that negatively impact biodiversity, and to facilitate effective prevention and management activities by providing easy access to authoritative invasive species information.
Other tools and resources
Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species (GRIIS)
The Global Register of Invasive Species (GRIS) was developed as a concept and prototype by the IUCN SSC Invasive Species Specialist Group (ISSG) in 2006 as part of a project undertaken for the Defenders of Wildlife on the Regulation of Live Animal Imports into the United States.
The concept was revisited and expanded by the ISSG to address Aichi Biodiversity Target 9 and support its achievement- with the development of the Global Register of Introduced and Invasive Species (GRIIS). GRIIS hosted by the ISSG compiles annotated and verified country-wise inventories of introduced and invasive species. Development and population of the GRIIS was undertaken by the ISSG within the framework of activities of the Information Synthesis and Assessment Working Group of the Global Invasive Alien Species Information Partnership (GIASIP).