Urban Ecosystem-based Adaptation to Enhance Urban Flood Management and Resilience of Dong Hoi City in Central Viet Nam

Located along Viet Nam’s coastal line, Dong Hoi city is highly vulnerable to climate change impacts such as storms, floods and droughts, causing substantial damage to the infrastructure, production and people over the last few years. Dong Hoi’s urban ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to climate change due to fast growing urban population, urbanization pressures and complex patterns of economic assets, infrastructure and services. The development and implementation of three pilot urban EbA measures, namely water retention areas, green walls and roofs as well as sustainable urban drainage systems (SUDS), contribute to the transformation in urban development to enhance its adaptive capacity and reduce climate change impacts. These measures serve to showcase the possibilities of green interventions in helping the city to cope with increasing temperature, flood management, energy efficiency and reducing GHG emissions, while enhancing ecological services, biodiversity and noise cancellation.