Protecting birds and people - story of Livno cheese production

The production of traditional cheese in Livno has been done since the 19th century and in the last decades, it was completely threatened and in danger of disappearing. Traditional agriculture, and the traditional raising of sheep and cattle, and the production of Livno Cheese from their milk, has always supported the sustainability of these exceptionally valuable natural habitats on Livanjsko Polje. Intensive grazing has helped to sustain the natural ecosystems. That is why the protection of Livanjsko Polje as a whole is important, as it is also listed as an important wet habitat of international significance under the Ramsar Convention. The quality of the cheese depends on this method of grazing, and synergy is key to preserving the diverse and unique habitats of this karst field.  15 years ago, producers came together and form association Cincar in order to protect traditional Livno Cheese as a specific product and to work together to solve common problems.