Sustainable basket trap fishing:Uptake of modified basket traps in Mkungunii fishing area,South Coast Kenya

Mkunguni Beach Management Unit (BMU) is in Msambweni sub-county of Kwale county, Southern coast of Kenya. Artisanal fishing is the main economic activity in Mkunguni co-management area and illegal fishing practices are restricted by the BMU. The fishers use rudimentary fishing vessels and traditional fishing gears. The artisanal gears in use, including basket traps locally known as “malema”, catch high proportions of juveniles of both target and non-target species, affecting the sustainability of the fishery and livelihoods of the local community. Basket traps, are the most prevalent fishing gears used in the area.

To address this, the traditional 2.5-inch basket traps were modified to 3-inch mesh sizes and trialed with a few basket trap fishers in Mkunguni fishing area. Use of modified basket traps reduced the capture of juveniles of target species, increased the catch rates and consequently the income of the fishers.