Land Purchase for Water and Biodiversity Conservation in the Trifinio Region, Honduras Successful Experience of Mitigation and Adaptation to Climate Change

The land purchase process for the biodiversity and water conservation of sources which, since 2006, has been developed in the existent biological corridor between the Biosphere Trifinio-La Fraternidad Reserve and the Men Reserve and the Lempira Lord of the Mountains Biosphere (UNESCO), specifically in the Güisayote Biological Reserve, the micro-watershed El Espinal-Cerro Negro and the Pacayita Volcano Biological Reserve, in the Western region of Honduras, which at the same time is part of the Trifinio region shared with El Salvador and Guatemala.


With more than 1048 hectares of land purchased up to 2016, within the framework of mitigation and adaptation to climate change, with contributions of the municipal governments, community water administrator boards, AESMO and of our strategic partners IUCN NL, World Land Trust and Puro Coffee, the present process proposes an exercise of knowledge exchange and inter-organizational learning.