A Giant for A Child: Giant clam conservation in Malaysia

The endangered species of giant clams (Tridacna gigas)  were formerly abundant on the coral reefs and Johor coastal islands. The first phase of the Giant Clam project (1998-2001) resulted public awareness and research findings in reproduction and conservations been carried out. While phase two of the programme (2008-2012)  resulted 400 seedlings of Tridacna gigas released in Aur Island. Monitoring and evaluation programmes has been carried out every three months to determine the success of the projects in terms of sustainable resources. After 6 years, the clams are now ready as broodstock. With this grants, it is a hope to be able to produce daughter generation of Giant Clam in Aur Island, Malaysia. Such programmes will continue, in order to sensitize and inform the public to marine related issies and a platform to safeguarding the survival and continuity to conserve ou natural heritage, the giant clams.