Restoration of Moist Tropical Forest (Fandriana-Marolambo Landscape in Madagascar)

WWF can look back on 13 years of lessons from this project. As a result of the project 95,063 ha were protected (Marolambo National Park), 51,743 ha are now managed by a community-based organisation and an area of 6,786 ha was placed under active or passive restoration. Working closely with communities, who previously were a key driver of deforestation and degradation in the area, has not only decreased pressures on the forest, but led to active involvement of the community in restoration activities. The project worked closely with the government at all levels.  The programme specifically helped to establish 14 community-based organisations.  70 partner associations for agriculture were created and members trained in alternative agriculture techniques. 50 locally-run nurseries are now growing 100 native species and contribute to forest landscape restoration in the area. Local associations and people have fully taken over the FLR initiative since January 2018.