Drylands Development Programme (DryDev): Building resilient communities in dryland areas of Ethiopia through integrated landscape restoration

DryDev seeks to address the growing threat of dryland degradation due to climate change and unsustainable natural resource use. 


DryDev’s approach relies on three pillars:

  1. Actions that conserve and protect natural assets, such as through water-harvesting, gully reclamation, enrichment planting, and scale-up of farmer managed natural regeneration (FMNR) to restore vegetation and address behaviour change.
  2. Actions that boost on-farm productivity through relevant training to enhance capacities, such as climate-smart agriculture and small-scale irrigation, and to mobilize community groups and organizations, building skills in governance and problem-solving.
  3. Actions that link smallholders with profitable value chains, markets, and financial services to improve income.

Gender inclusion through women’s participation and empowerment is crucial to facilitating DryDev’s landscape restoration and transformational change.