Reforestation and rehabilitation of sandy coastal protection forest along with short-term livelihoods development for local community

Hoa Binh village – located along the coastline in central Vietnam – is seriously exposed to strong storms, sea encroachment, sand moving, drought and coastline erosion. In addition, the village has approximately 123ha of sandy protection forest areas along a 3.5km coastal stretch. The forest was degraded because of bombing in the war, serious storms and over-harvesting of trees for firewood by local people, making the communities more vulnerable to climate change and extreme weather impacts.

Reforestation and rehabilitation of the coastal protection forest along with livelihood development activities for communities proved to be the most effective measure in reducing the vulnerabilty of local people. The pilot measure consisted of reforesting and rehabilitating 10 ha degraded sandy coastal protection forest as well as providing technical trainings and raising awareness among local communities