Provision Electric Vehicles in Yellowstone

The annual 3 million visitors in Yellowstone are provided with a unique opportunity to experience the beautiful 2.2 acre ecosystem. With such a large site, the renting of electric vehicles is crucial to preserve the park’s current state, and minimize carbon emissions. In cases where gasoline engines are used, the national park could charge a previously established fee that could further provide an extra income to alleviate a drought that Yellowstone is facing. Due to global warming, the park’s precipitation levels that previously fell as snow now fall as rain. With higher temperatures, evaporation levels increase resulting in droughts and increased fires throughout the park. Incentivizing the use of electric vehicles would not only contribute to a cleaner park and environment but would diminish the release of toxic gasses that harm the ecosystem. Especially, through the United State’s leasing for fuel efficient vehicles, this change would not be as drastic, financially, for its park visitors.