Land rehabilitation through reforestation – the power of property rights in the green wood energy value chain

Meeting the rising wood energy demand is a challenge and driver for deforestation and forest degradation. Forest landscape restoration (FLR) & AFR100 committments also address the sustainable production of wood energy to meet social and economic realities.  


This solution applies a holistic view of the wood energy value chain by addressing all stakeholders in an adapted manner. Smallholder afforestation is at the heart of the solution. It combines legal, governance, economic and technical elements from land title transfers and individual afforestation schemes on degraded land at village level, to fuelwood harvesting, energy efficient charcoal processing, conversion, distribution and marketing, all the way to end-consumers & related combustion technology (improved cookstoves).


It modernizes the wood energy value chain & generates benefits for forest stewards, producers of improved stoves and end consumers alike. Their annual income has doubled on an average.