The project’s overall objective was to protect and conserve the Beisa Oryx in Nakuprat-Gotu Community Conservancy in Northern Kenya through community buy in and stewardship. This was to be achieved through enhanced conservancy governance, improved wildlife monitoring and anti-poaching patrols by rangers, running conservation awareness programs within the community settlement areas and schools, sustainable land management, and providing alternative income streams for charcoal sellers and subsistence poachers. This project is part of the IUCN Save Our Species African Wildlife initiative, co-funded by the European Union.
Challenges that were addressed:
Poaching of the Beisa Oryx
Habitat destruction through the cutting of trees to produce charcoal
The Beisa Oryx population increased from a baseline of 719 at the beginning of the project to 881 after one year during the project. This was majorly because the project provided alternative livelihood options for community members through vocational training skills which dissuaded them