WASH in Schools brings One Health to Life - GIZ's Fit for School Approach

The GIZ regional Fit for School programme promotes and supports tangible actions in schools that are contributing to the practical implementation of the One Health concept. WASH in Schools (WinS) and improved hygiene are the strong uniting elements:


Human Health 

  • Improving health and personal hygiene Improved health through evidence based interventions (e.g. handwashing, deworming, toothbrushing, cleaning)


  • Improved school environment (access to WASH)
  • Water-saving handwashing technologies
  • Waste management


  • Bi-annual school-based deworming according to national guidelines Improved food hygiene, where applicable
  • Elimination of pathogens from the school yard
  • Keeping animals out from the school premises
  • Zero open defecation

These actions, facilitated by measures that enable their implementation and management, not only directly benefit school environments, but also provide practical models and knowledge for better resilience, preparedness and response of schools to the current and future pandemics.