SEA Success: The ingredients for an impactful peer-to-peer knowledge exchange visit

Saint Martin Island is located in the northeastern part of the Bay of Bengal, Bangladesh. It is the most recently declared Marine Protected Area in the country (2022). It covers an area of 1,743 km2. It was established to conserve the only coral reef of Bangladesh along with its overall marine biodiversity and to promote sustainable livelihoods of dependent communities.

The national authorities have committed to the IUCN Green List, and the goal is to add Saint-Martin to this prestigious list of Protected and Conserved Areas that are effectively managed and fairly governed.

SEA Success, a UNDP Ocean Innovation Challenge project, gave the opportunity to pilot a knowledge exchange approach to support Saint-Martin’s stakeholders to overcome some of their challenges. SEA is an acronym for Scoping (site-specific challenges), Exchanging (on solutions experienced by peers) and Activating (the implementation of suitable solutions to overcome the challenges).