Ntcheu District is one of the most populated and face high deforestation rates in the country. Community empowerment to take active role in conserving protected forest reserves seem to bear fruits. Gomeza Community noted the catastrophic degradation of Mvai Forest Reserve and decided to embark on restoration programme by itself. It selected a portion of 15 ha and named it Gomeza forest. The community put in place governance and resource use measures. It has by-laws to restrict deforestation in Gomeza Forest. It has workscedule for volunteers to make patrols. Since 2014 the community has restored 15 ha of the 5000 ha Mvai Forest Reserve. Now Gomeza Forest is inhabited by wildlife species such as hyenas, rabbits, snakes and rats. Hyenas and rabbits were considered extinct in the area before 2014 but have become common animals in this restored forest.