Designation of Astola Island, Pakistan’s first Marine Protected Area

Located approximately 25 km off the coast of Balochistan province, Astola is Pakistan’s largest offshore island. Also known as “Jezira Haft Talar” (Island of the Seven Hills) due to the small, rocky mountains that span the 6.7 km2 island. This pristine island with sandy beaches, crystal waters, and a remarkable biodiversity has all the traits of a tourist destination. The Astola saw-scaled viper (Echis carinatus astolae) is endemic to this island and its beaches are a nesting ground for the endangered green turtle (Chelonia mydas) and hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbracata). A variety of coral species are found in the surrounding waters along with the Arabian Sea Humpback Whale and dolphins. In order to relieve pressure put on the island’s natural resources in recent years by human activities MFF Pakistan worked with its National Coordinating Body to have Astola declared Pakistan’s first Marine Protected Area in 2017.