Zones humides du Burkina Faso : compte rendu d'un séminaire sur les zones humides du Burkina Faso

Zones humides du Burkina Faso : compte rendu d'un séminaire sur les zones humides du Burkina Faso

Burkina Faso boasts both varied natural and artificially created wetlands, the latter resulting from some 1100 dams or embankments. These wetlands, however, have not been seen as distinct ecosystem units and responsibility for wetland issues has been fragmented. At the initiative of IUCN in Ouagadougou, an informal network of experts was set up during 1992 to provide a forum for debate on wetland issues in Burkina Faso. Activities culminated in a workshop which set out to establish a National Wetland Working Group in charge of implementing the National Action Plan for wetlands of Burkina Faso.

Sally, L. (Liqa), Kouda, Michel, Beaumond, N.