Triple Level Digital Monitoring (3LDM) – Remote sensing and IT solutions for monitoring Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR)
The GIZ’s Forests4Future (F4F) project champions Forest Landscape Restoration (FLR) and governance in countries like Ethiopia, Madagascar, and Togo. Current FLR monitoring systems face issues of accuracy and completeness. To address this, F4F initiated the development of a reliable monitoring system and piloting a standard operating procedure. Leveraging expertise from external geospatial data firms, F4F introduced the Triple Level Digital Monitoring System (3LDM). This system refines monitoring, integrating threee levels of data:
1. Field-based data
2. Drone-based data
3. Satellite data
The 3LDM approach tracks hectares restored, above ground tree biomass, and tree diversity on selected FLR sites