Training for Post Harvest Loss (PHL) Reduction

Training for Post Harvest Loss (PHL) Reduction

More than 30% of the world’s food is lost between the field and the plate, which threatens food security. PHL have been addressed in almost all country packages of the Green Innovation Centers. In 2020, a so-called “PHL Booster” has been launched in 8 country packages targeting various value chains. Women play a major role in post-harvest activities and are specifically targeted. The post-harvest management (PHM) is generally part of training approaches on Good Agricultural Practices and Farmer Business School. However, specific training material has been elaborated in some countries. The training not only refers to technical solutions, but also assesses the perceptions of stakeholders along the whole value chain and identifies critical loss points to locate the most effective entry points for successful interventions.



The main implementing organizations are partners from the public and private sector and training centers in the countries.