The Cote Bleue Marine Park (France, NW Mediterranean): a success story in co-construction with small scale fisheries since 35 years

The Cote Bleue Marine Park (France, NW Mediterranean): a success story in co-construction with small scale fisheries since 35 years

The Cote Bleue Marine Park was created in 1983 on the basis of an experimental cooperation between local public authorities and professional small scale fishermen to implement a program for the sustainable development of fishing activity and protection of marine environment.

The territory of PMCB covers 9.873 ha, including 2 no-takes reserves of 295 ha and the deployment of 4.884 m3 of artificial reefs, both for production and protection against illegal trawling within the 3NM.

The Park is a local initiative and was founded with a “bottom-up” approach, based on strong dialog process with fishermen. The association of local fishers within the PMCB’s decision body is truly effective. A real success was the re-conduction obtained for an unlimited duration of the 2 no-takes reserves in 2014, renewal asked by the fishermen themselves. In 2018, interviews of fishers on social acceptance showed that he level of trust with Marine Park is very high (82%), same as the level of support (77%).