Seabird Habitat Restoration Program - Montague Island Nature Reserve

Seabird Habitat Restoration Program – Montague Island Nature Reserve

Montague Island Nature Reserve is located off the south coast of New South Wales, Australia. It is managed by the NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) as a haven for wildlife, with thousands of seabirds, including penguins, shearwaters and petrels nesting on the island every year. It is also an important haul out and breeding site for hundreds of Australian and Long Nose Fur seals.

Montague Island is a conservation success because extensive areas of seabird nesting habitat have been restored. The Seabird Habitat Restoration Project eradicated introduced pests, controlled weeds and restored native vegetation.

NPWS collaborated with researchers to identify the best habitat restoration method for the island and mobilised volunteers and local communities. Montague Island now provides a critical vertebrate pest–free environment for nine seabird species. Three of these species have recently been attracted to the island, including the threatened Gould’s Petrel which has established a breeding population.