RSVP Your Wellness in Nature Experience

RSVP Your Wellness in Nature Experience

The RSVP Your Wellness in Nature Experience – Park Health Ambassador program was launched during the US National Park Service’s national park week in 2021 to provide a simple, easy way for people to participate in Park Prescriptions (ParkRx) Day as part of national Park Prescription (ParkRx) Day, Saturday, April 15, 2021.


The primary aim of the RSVP Your Wellness in Nature Experience is to invite people to fill their own nature prescription anywhere, anytime —at home, the neighbourhood, nearby parks, or virtually. 


Registrants were also encouraged to share their wellness in nature experience on social media using #PowerOfParksForHealth and #BeforeAndAfterParkRx.


In this way, ParkRx Day was re-imagined as a simple way to encourage people to experience the health benefits of parks and protected areas, rather than promoting highly-organized events in parks during national park week.