Review of trade in merbau from major range states

Review of trade in merbau from major range states

Reports from non-governmental organizations have raised concerns about the scale of illegal trade in merbau, a timber from nine species in the genus Intsia and there is concern over the sustainability of harvests from natural merbau populations. The study on which this report is based, funded by Bundesamt für Naturschutz, the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation (BfN), aimed to investigate in detail the international trade in merbau timber and to provide scientific and current data on the population status, harvest management and trade in these species. The report offers recommendations to promote the sustainable management of harvest and trade in merbau, particularly in the range States of Papua New Guinea, Indonesia and Malaysia, but also in selected merbau consuming countries.

Tong P. S., Chen, Hin Keong, Hewitt, J., Affre, A.