Result based Incentive Payment Approach for better survival of seedlings and creating forest in Lake Chamo Landscape

Result based Incentive Payment Approach for better survival of seedlings and creating forest in Lake Chamo Landscape

Forest landscape restoration (FLR) initiatives underway in Ethiopia focus on rehabilitating degraded communal lands and planting tree seedlings. However, plantations in communal lands have faced challenges, mainly attributed to poor seedling survival rate because of absence of unregulated land use policies and high demand on natural resources.

This solution describes a result-based incentive approach for forest establishment. It has been developed to encourage forest developers to plant and successfully grow economically attractive tree species by creating ownership and improving the post planting management activities.

The forest developers should meet at least some minimum criteria regarding area of land, plantation species composition and survival percentage to be eligible for the incentive.  Introducing and promoting the system in collaboration with the local government partners significantly improves the community’s interest in planting and managing trees and subsequently increases the tree density in the landscape.