Protecting the Critically Endangered Lillie Cycad

Protecting the Critically Endangered Lillie Cycad

The Lillie Cycad Reserve on Selati Game Reserve (South Africa) is a site of unique ecological significance as it is the sole natural habitat of the critically endangered cycad species, Encephalartos dyerianus. Cycads worldwide are facing extinction at the hands of poaching for the horticultural trade. Through a grant received via the IUCN, we were able to embrace technology and human resources for both remote and on-the-ground monitoring and have avoided unnatural losses of cycads to date since their deployment. The project enabled us to gain recognition and form a partnership with cycad specialists who are guiding us on a comprehensive drone monitoring survey. Using RGB and LiDAR technology, we hope to gain an accurate baseline population density, providing crucial insights into the species’ demographic trends and spatial distribution.

This project is part of the IUCN Save Our Species African Wildlife initiative, which is co-funded by the European Union