Piloting Temporal Protected Areas for turtle conservation in island states: lessons from Seychelles

Piloting Temporal Protected Areas for turtle conservation in island states: lessons from Seychelles

The implementation of Protected Areas on a seasonal basis provides protection for turtles and their off-spring during the nesting and hatching season. The Temporal Protected Area approach ensures that the turtles are not disturbed, harmed or poached during these important periods.


This initiative focuses on the protection of hawksbill turtles, as they nest seasonally, mostly on the inner islands of Seychelles. The main nesting areas in the south of Mahe, the largest and most populated island in Seychelles, have been nominated for temporary protection.


The nesting beaches are patrolled regularly with an intensified effort during the peak season  to facilitate protection of the species at this critical life-cycle phase, as well recording of data from nesting turtles. Opportunistic encounters with the nesting females provide the necessary data for individual identification to better monitor their nesting behaviours.