National Red List Working Group

The National Red List Working Group (NRLWG) is a working group within the IUCN Red List Committee towards developing and implementing ways to improve linkages between national red listing efforts and the IUCN Red List, and on tools to help national red listing efforts, which are often based on adapting the tools available for global red listing processes to better suit national needs.

The NRLWG also serves as a Coordinating Body for the “National Red List Alliance” (NRLA), established in 2013 to promote and drive forward the national red listing process globally. This was in response to result 2 in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species Strategic Plan (2013-2020): more IUCN Red List assessments are prepared at national and, where appropriate, at regional scales. The aim is to help countries monitor their progress towards achieving United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (particularly goals 14 and 15) and the Aichi Biodiversity Targets (particularly target 12).