Lemurs of Madagascar : a strategy for their conservation 2013-2016

Lemurs of Madagascar : a strategy for their conservation 2013-2016

Many lemur species are on the very brink of extinction. Ninety-one per cent of all lemur taxa (species and subspecies) are now classified as Critically Endangered, Endangered, or Vulnerable on the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. This publication outlines a three-year strategy for the conservation of the lemurs of Madagascar. The strategy contains 30 action plans for 30 different priority sites for lemur conservation.

Davies, Nicola, Johnson, Steig, Louis, Edward E., Mittermeier, Russell A., Nash, Stephen D., Rajaobelina, Serge, Ratsimbazafy, Jonah, Razafindramanana, Josia, Schwitzer, Christoph