IUCN SSC CPSG DRA On-line training

This is an introductory course to the IUCN Guidelines for Wildlife Disease Risk Analysis (WDRA). This course is designed to equip participants with an understanding of how to put the guidelines into practice. Our target audiences are government wildlife agency staff, IUCN SSC Specialist Group members, and other conservation professionals and veterinarians working in zoos, aquariums, universities or field programs, responsible for planning for disease management at the interface between people, places and wildlife. By the end of the course, participants will be able to: recognize and justify situations where a WDRA process can contribute to a) wildlife conservation, b) domestic animal health care, and c) public health protection; explain how the principle of One Health and the science of epidemiology are applied to a WDRA; and design a workshop to effectively engage multiple stakeholders in completing a WDRA. Click here to find out more about the course and how to apply to an upcoming session.