IUCN Climate Change Gender Action Plan
Climate Change Gender Action Plans (ccGAPs) build on a country’s national development and climate change policy or strategy, and identify gender-specific issues in each priority sector. The participatory, multi-stakeholder methodology includes creating action plans to enhance mitigation and resilience for women and men throughout the country.
Having developed the world’s first gender-responsive national strategies and roadmaps on climate change, IUCN has published its CGAP methodology and approach, containing GAPs from around the world, detailed case studies, roadmaps and more. As the title suggests, implementation of international agreements in individual countries is an art, not a science. There are diverse factors and challenges at play, including political will, adequate finance, and complex governance arrangements. The art of implementation is a journey toward the realisation of important ideas, a bridging of the gap between our aspirations and our achievements, and a continuous learning curve.